Michael Matthew Speyrer

Francis And Clinton: Talking for the Sake of Talking

As is typical this author speaks with zero respect towards Peter’s Successor.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Deadly Contradiction Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsBkqmwhmszh

No what’s immoral is telling people with a public statement that the Pope has departed from deposit of faith l, when he has f down so l . That’s schismatic.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Schneider: Heretical Pope Doesn’t Lose Office

What does cause a bishop to lose authority and communion though is when he publicly signs a document proclaiming the Pope has departed from the deposit of faith, when he has r done so, which Vatican I teaches that not consistent with Vatican One.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Francis Retires One Of The Best Bishops in Europe

Pope Francis hasn’t taught against the deposit of faith. That’s heretical and schismatic according to Vatican I Pastor Aeternis.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Russia will over run Europe and attempt to destroy Christian Civilization! This Fatima Center article …

You address him as father which is strange as he was relegated of his vows and no longer addressed himself as a priest for the rest of his life meaning he was Lacized. Martin said many questionable things over the years and for someone who claimed he never gave up his vow of chastity despite the fact that no longer presented himself as a cleric even though the ere is evidence he participated in a …More
You address him as father which is strange as he was relegated of his vows and no longer addressed himself as a priest for the rest of his life meaning he was Lacized. Martin said many questionable things over the years and for someone who claimed he never gave up his vow of chastity despite the fact that no longer presented himself as a cleric even though the ere is evidence he participated in a heretical and schismatic episcapal ordination he is buried next to the woman he lived
with for decades. Why would you consider this person an authority voice on anything with a track record like this? That’s pretty strange.

Fr. Nicholas Grunier had his priestly faculties removed because he refused to be obedient to the ordinary of the diocese he was incarnated to. Again, if these are the people you are appealing to for an opinion perhaps you should start with people who didn’t abandon their vows .
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Russia will over run Europe and attempt to destroy Christian Civilization! This Fatima Center article …

The Fatima center was denounced years ago by the World Wide Fatima Apostolate,
Because they spread lies and is information.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

Francis: "Everyone Is Welcome In Church"

That would cut our most of the Gloria TV audience.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

July 31, 2023: The MonsterPress Hypes World Francis Day

The other day he commented that he didn’t believe a priest was attacked by a machete, for no stated reasons except for the fact that Frank is simply oppositional defiant to anything reported concerning minorities of any kind, even though I know this priest personally and the story was 100% true.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

July 31, 2023: The MonsterPress Hypes World Francis Day

Frank has taken being misinformed and made it into an art form.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

July 31, 2023: The MonsterPress Hypes World Francis Day

Frank is the most viciously stupid person I have ever seen.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

August 1, 2023: Props Don’t Evangelize

Not accepting invalid arguments, which is the only kind Frank knows how to make, and applying critical thinking skills is not being a hippy, it’s not being a moron.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

100th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions

Russia didn’t exist in 1984,
The Soviet Union did, and that doesn’t exist any more.
Michael Matthew Speyrer


Yeah isn’t that funny that none of the nuns she lives with for 50 years or her family could tell, but you can.
Michael Matthew Speyrer


I think it’s time to get that CT Scan you’ve been putting off.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

New Study Finds Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism

I guess a million people in this country just dropped dead of boredom. I didn’t know people could be allergic to facts and evidence.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

August 1, 2023: Props Don’t Evangelize

I love how people so vile and lacking in any quanta of respect are so threatened by any difference of opinion, but still want free speech.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

August 1, 2023: Props Don’t Evangelize

Frank is the most viciously stupid person I’ve ever seen.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

August 1, 2023: Props Don’t Evangelize

It’s like basic facts don’t exist in Franks universe.
Michael Matthew Speyrer

August 1, 2023: Props Don’t Evangelize

“You can’t make a mass our of hundreds of thousands of people”….laughs the Poles when 10% of the country came to one mass for JPII.