Jeffrey Ade
5 pages
Russia will over run Europe and attempt to destroy Christian Civilization! This Fatima Center article, by James Hanisch, explains why! Easy reading and comprehensive, you can't have any more doubts …More
Russia will over run Europe and attempt to destroy Christian Civilization! This Fatima Center article, by James Hanisch, explains why! Easy reading and comprehensive, you can't have any more doubts after reading this. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Live Mike
In defense of Fr. Martin and Fr. Gruner... Beware of the Lies coming from the Blue Army, now the World Apostolate of Fatima which was infiltrated and co-opted by Luciferian, Masonic, Pro-Vatican II, Novus Ordo Modernist agents.
Live Mike
We agree that Russia will overrun Europe, however, Fr. Malachi Martin and Fr. Nicholas Gruner both said that at some point Russia becomes an instrument of God in saving Christianity.
“Now as regards the Message of Fatima it still stands—it still stands. The errors of Russia are now abroad—and they are abroad. Russia will be converted finally by my Immaculate Heart, She said. It will be! She said it. …More
We agree that Russia will overrun Europe, however, Fr. Malachi Martin and Fr. Nicholas Gruner both said that at some point Russia becomes an instrument of God in saving Christianity.
“Now as regards the Message of Fatima it still stands—it still stands. The errors of Russia are now abroad—and they are abroad. Russia will be converted finally by my Immaculate Heart, She said. It will be! She said it.
So Russia is within the plans. Why? Uh….that would take me too far afield into papal secrets [Secret of Fatima]. Why Russia and Kiev are involved in the final solution of this problem. But they are. They are part-and-parcel and it’s really God’s choice. And it’s purely and simply God’s choice. [...] He has His own favorite solutions. I wouldn’t have chosen the Russians or Kiev or The East for salvation. But salvation is to come from the East for us all.” - Fr. Malachi Martin during an interview with Bernard Janzen, 22 March 1997. || Go to 7:46 of Fr. Nicholas Gruner on the Dream / Vision of St. John Bosco.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
You address him as father which is strange as he was relegated of his vows and no longer addressed himself as a priest for the rest of his life meaning he was Lacized. Martin said many questionable things over the years and for someone who claimed he never gave up his vow of chastity despite the fact that no longer presented himself as a cleric even though the ere is evidence he participated in a …More
You address him as father which is strange as he was relegated of his vows and no longer addressed himself as a priest for the rest of his life meaning he was Lacized. Martin said many questionable things over the years and for someone who claimed he never gave up his vow of chastity despite the fact that no longer presented himself as a cleric even though the ere is evidence he participated in a heretical and schismatic episcapal ordination he is buried next to the woman he lived
with for decades. Why would you consider this person an authority voice on anything with a track record like this? That’s pretty strange.

Fr. Nicholas Grunier had his priestly faculties removed because he refused to be obedient to the ordinary of the diocese he was incarnated to. Again, if these are the people you are appealing to for an opinion perhaps you should start with people who didn’t abandon their vows .
Rand Miller
Europe's problem is not Russia. It is materialism, apostasy from Christ, etc.
Michael Matthew Speyrer
The Fatima center was denounced years ago by the World Wide Fatima Apostolate,
Because they spread lies and is information.