When Disobeying Your Bishop is the Best Thing to Do According to the Saints Blessed Disobedience. Sometimes you must disobey the bishop, the Orthodox Archpriest Theodore Zisis writes in his book “…More
When Disobeying Your Bishop is the Best Thing to Do According to the Saints
Blessed Disobedience.
Sometimes you must disobey the bishop, the Orthodox Archpriest Theodore Zisis writes in his book “Blessed Disobedience or Evil Obedience?” He quotes Athanasius, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, John Chrysostom, Maximus the Confessor, Theodore the Studite, and Symeon the New Theologian. According to these saints, there exists a holy divine disobedience which is sometimes necessary when bishops teach wrong things.
Athanasius. Saint Athanasius said that when bishops seduce the faithful, it’s better to gather in prayer without them “than to be cast into the fiery hell with them.” Athanasius was told that the monks of Cappadocia had revolted against Saint Basil the Great who for the sake of “unity” avoided calling the Holy Spirit “consubstantial” for some time. Athanasius told the monks that Basil did not deny the true faith but had only become “weak to the weak.” However, he added, “If it …More
Ave Crux
I'm surprised at Ultraviolet. Adhering to 2,000 years of Tradition and Liturgical Patrimony, and repudiating the explicit Modernist novelties and "reforms" (i.e. enacting destructive strategies against the Catholic Church) which were CONDEMNED BY NOTABLE, PRESCIENT AND HIGHLY REVERED POPES in their many Encyclicals and Magisterial teaching against Modernism in all its forms prior to Vatican II -- …More
I'm surprised at Ultraviolet. Adhering to 2,000 years of Tradition and Liturgical Patrimony, and repudiating the explicit Modernist novelties and "reforms" (i.e. enacting destructive strategies against the Catholic Church) which were CONDEMNED BY NOTABLE, PRESCIENT AND HIGHLY REVERED POPES in their many Encyclicals and Magisterial teaching against Modernism in all its forms prior to Vatican II -- Popes who precisely warned us about the very forces of destruction now visibly dismantling and jettisoning our Patrimony, and even what that destruction would look like -- can't even remotely be compared to the false, heretic-contrived "Sola Scriptura" of apostates. In fact, they couldn't be more opposite, since Protestantism rejected Tradition and the Teaching Magisterium for the sake of "Sola Scripture". Really....I expected better than that from you.

More on this principle: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-popes-boundenness-to-tradition-as.html
I'm surprised you're surprised, @Ave Crux I routinely point out the fallacies and errors in reasoning that appear in faulty arguments. Surely I've pointed out enough of yours here 'n there over the past months.
For example, this post is about disobeying your bishop, not about modernism " CONDEMNED BY NOTABLE, PRESCIENT AND HIGHLY REVERED POPES in their many Encyclicals and Magisterial teaching …More
I'm surprised you're surprised, @Ave Crux I routinely point out the fallacies and errors in reasoning that appear in faulty arguments. Surely I've pointed out enough of yours here 'n there over the past months.

For example, this post is about disobeying your bishop, not about modernism " CONDEMNED BY NOTABLE, PRESCIENT AND HIGHLY REVERED POPES in their many Encyclicals and Magisterial teaching against Modernism in all its forms prior to Vatican II "

None of those notable, prescient and highly revered popes encouraged the laity to disobey the bishop. Ergo...
This is Lutheran "Sola Scriptura" applied to Catholic obedience. Who decides when The Church is right or wrong? To argue, "The Bishop is wrong because I say the Bishop is wrong" is one of these... pic related.
To argue, "The Bishop is wrong because all my friends agree he is wrong" is one of these... pic related.
To argue, "It's okay to disobey The Church and its authorities because this or that saint says so" is one of these...pic related
Ave Crux
Absolutely true.....we obey the Faith, we preserve the Faith, and only those Superiors who act and command obedience for the sake of it's preservation and transmission to subsequent generations of the Faithful.
And we repudiate any such commands which would have the effect of suppressing in any way the Faith, our Patrimony and/or our Liturgical inheritance. That is precisely what the venerable …More
Absolutely true.....we obey the Faith, we preserve the Faith, and only those Superiors who act and command obedience for the sake of it's preservation and transmission to subsequent generations of the Faithful.

And we repudiate any such commands which would have the effect of suppressing in any way the Faith, our Patrimony and/or our Liturgical inheritance. That is precisely what the venerable Archbishop Lefebvre did.

Never will I obey or collaborate with any Bishop, Pope or directive of any kind which has as its purpose and/or simply its effect -- intended or otherwise -- the suppression, curtailing or diminution of the bi-Millennial Catholic Faith and its Sacred Norms, Sacraments and Liturgy.

To those who command such, I say "Good riddance! Your commands are illicit, non-binding, unjust in the sight of God and reprehensible."
Very timely. Thank you