Last Supper as a homosexual orgie. Until May 10th, the Dommuseum in Vienna, located next to the cathedral and belonging to the archdiocese of Vienna, shows an exhibition with works of Vienna sculptor …More
Last Supper as a homosexual orgie.
Until May 10th, the Dommuseum in Vienna, located next to the cathedral and belonging to the archdiocese of Vienna, shows an exhibition with works of Vienna sculptor and painter Alfred Hrdlicka.
a.t.m and one more user link to this post
Very true, ACLumsden, but if that doesn't work, God will come down, to the depraved city himself, debate with Abraham...and then torch, Sodom and Gomorrah personaly!!!! 😡
When man fixates his gaze upon himself and the perfection of his being, and sees only what he, man, can do and BE,
he turns not to his Creator for love, affirmation, wisdom
But to himself; unto himself man says, 'I am beautiful, I am all'
in fine, 'I AM'; his Creator weeps bitterly, for man, His creation
impales himself upon the scepter of his own being.
But it is the Creator who eventually, will,…More
When man fixates his gaze upon himself and the perfection of his being, and sees only what he, man, can do and BE,
he turns not to his Creator for love, affirmation, wisdom
But to himself; unto himself man says, 'I am beautiful, I am all'
in fine, 'I AM'; his Creator weeps bitterly, for man, His creation
impales himself upon the scepter of his own being.
But it is the Creator who eventually, will, with warm tender embrace
Heal, restore and forgive. Only then will man, lift his gaze onto his God, his Creator King, his Lover and his All, and say, 'forgive me my love, I was blind, but now I see'.
😡 "till suddenly he sprang back in horror, and looking round cried out in a stifled voice: ' Little children, it is Antichrist.' "
(Vladimir Soloviev)More
😡 "till suddenly he sprang back in horror, and looking round cried out in a stifled voice: ' Little children, it is Antichrist.' "

(Vladimir Soloviev)
We are not hateful but personally I am tired of include so-called "catholics"....expecting us to lie down and take it time and time again. And to compare RevSpitz to murderous radical Muslums? This is what I am talking about. I forgive those who sin against me but I will not allow our Church to be dragged through the mud. Silence is acceptance: they will walk all over the Catholic Church …More
We are not hateful but personally I am tired of include so-called "catholics"....expecting us to lie down and take it time and time again. And to compare RevSpitz to murderous radical Muslums? This is what I am talking about. I forgive those who sin against me but I will not allow our Church to be dragged through the mud. Silence is acceptance: they will walk all over the Catholic Church as they are doing as we speak. Where is your sense, tifo.

"Very well done!"
you have become....blind and complacent.
dominus tecum
🤬 😡 🙏 🤒 🤦
✍️ 😘
Monotheism is an abomination of religion
✍️ 😘


Monotheism is an abomination of religion




i can't believe what is written in this comment :::: "... Homosexuals can be saved if they turn from their sin ..."
don't you think you are being more harmful with does words than Alfred Hrdlicka with his images????
this only shows the lack of capacity to understand and to think about things, also it shows the same thinking that Muslims
(i'm talking about the
radicalized once, those people who kill) …More
i can't believe what is written in this comment :::: "... Homosexuals can be saved if they turn from their sin ..."
don't you think you are being more harmful with does words than Alfred Hrdlicka with his images????

this only shows the lack of capacity to understand and to think about things, also it shows the same thinking that Muslims
(i'm talking about the
radicalized once, those people who kill)

"Very well done!"
you have become hateful
what's the matter with this so called artists.... what's the use of this provocation? it really hurts my feelings and among me are many others. i don't understand how it is possible that this is showed in our OWN church.... it feels like a stab in the back. Even though it is hard, we shall have to accept this and remain peacefull. Peace is stronger then violence, a lesson Alfred Hrdlicka apperently …More
what's the matter with this so called artists.... what's the use of this provocation? it really hurts my feelings and among me are many others. i don't understand how it is possible that this is showed in our OWN church.... it feels like a stab in the back. Even though it is hard, we shall have to accept this and remain peacefull. Peace is stronger then violence, a lesson Alfred Hrdlicka apperently still needs to learn. Let's pray for forgiveness for Alfred Hrdlicka.
Gott erschuf den Menschen als Sein Abbild...Die Vielfalt der Natur und der Menschen ist sein Werk, wer sind wir, daß wir dies verurteilen ???
God created the human after his own image. The variety of nature and
human beeings is His doing! Who are we to condamn it? 🤦
The Pasolini Abendmahl has been removed- what remains that is offensive?
Vile, vile,
Down the aisle
Narcissistic freaks they file,
Not the fools
Who feign their gaiety...
But tolerant white sepulchred laity.More

Vile, vile,
Down the aisle
Narcissistic freaks they file,

Not the fools
Who feign their gaiety...
But tolerant white sepulchred laity.
Homosexuals can be saved if they turn from their sins and repent and confess that they have sinned and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. He has the power to save them. I have known homosexuals who have been saved both in New York City and San Francisco. One mistake I believe the RCC has made is accepting unrepentant homosexuals as being Christians, as long as they are celebrate. In this case …More
Homosexuals can be saved if they turn from their sins and repent and confess that they have sinned and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. He has the power to save them. I have known homosexuals who have been saved both in New York City and San Francisco. One mistake I believe the RCC has made is accepting unrepentant homosexuals as being Christians, as long as they are celebrate. In this case they are still homosexuals and homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. I Corithians 9. They need to be transformed into a new creation as every sinner does and no longer live after the flesh, but after God.
ecclesia militans
Very well done!
This is not even funny how low the humans can fall.
Especially it is sad that this happens in the church.
Disgusting, but it is good that people know about it.
Very well done!
This is not even funny how low the humans can fall.
Especially it is sad that this happens in the church.
Disgusting, but it is good that people know about it.
