Imprisonment for Sedevacantism. The following press release can be spread by anyone anywhere. Imprisonment for Sedevacantism On May 26th, 2011, the Roman-Catholic priest Father Rolf Hermann Lingen, …More
Imprisonment for Sedevacantism.
The following press release can be spread by anyone anywhere.
Imprisonment for Sedevacantism
On May 26th, 2011, the Roman-Catholic priest Father Rolf Hermann Lingen, Germany, shall be sentenced to jail for at least two years, maybe up to four years. His crime: He is sedevacantist. First some background information. "Sedevacantism" simply describes the strong conviction that the Papal See is vacant; it is, however, not necessarily combined with the Catholic belief. Thus, if there is no legitimate pope now, than every Catholic is necessarily sedevacantist, but sedevacantists are not necessarily Catholics.
The arguments for and against sedevacantism can be studied in the internet. The topic of this press release is the persecution of sedevacantists in Germany.
As mentioned, Father Lingen shall be imprisoned for at least two years. According to German justice, he is not allowed to call himself a "Roman-Catholic priest". Germany claims that only the white-…More
I agree, the denials are pretty astonishing. I am hopeful that they will come around though. They just want to do what they think is right by God, but they are severely lacking in discernment.More

I agree, the denials are pretty astonishing. I am hopeful that they will come around though. They just want to do what they think is right by God, but they are severely lacking in discernment.
That was not in a dogmatic decree or even in a canon. It was a reference from an introduction to a very specific situation regarding those individuals the Council regarded as heretics who supported the "Three Chapters" that were in dispute. You need to read before you quote.More

That was not in a dogmatic decree or even in a canon. It was a reference from an introduction to a very specific situation regarding those individuals the Council regarded as heretics who supported the "Three Chapters" that were in dispute. You need to read before you quote.
Second Council of Constantinople, 553: “The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy.”
Hello SBFU,
I dug up this video because I was reading up on the First Vatican Council and it occurred to me that this particular decree on Peters perpetual successors should be read to our long lost sedevacantist brothers.More
Hello SBFU,

I dug up this video because I was reading up on the First Vatican Council and it occurred to me that this particular decree on Peters perpetual successors should be read to our long lost sedevacantist brothers.
The dogmatic decree of Vatican I speaks for itself. Peter will have perpetual successors. Any who deny this truth are anathema. You are saying that there is currently no successor of Peter, and that there hasnt been one for over 50 years. This contrary to the Council. Repent and come back to the true Church of Christ.
"[I]f anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ …More

The dogmatic decree of Vatican I speaks for itself. Peter will have perpetual successors. Any who deny this truth are anathema. You are saying that there is currently no successor of Peter, and that there hasnt been one for over 50 years. This contrary to the Council. Repent and come back to the true Church of Christ.

"[I]f anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the Lord himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole Church; or that the Roman pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy: let him be anathema."
-Vatican Council I (Session 4 - 18 July 1870)
One more comment from irenaeus
Which one of these statements was proclaimed at an ecumenical council?
To the heretic [Pope] Honorius, Anathema!!!
To the heretic NumdaCatholic, Anathema!!!
To the heretic Pater Lingen, Anathema!!!
Although teasing,...this was a serious question engineered to show you that a heretic can be a pope. Pope Honorius was proclaimed a heretic by three ecumenical councils. He died in …More

Which one of these statements was proclaimed at an ecumenical council?

To the heretic [Pope] Honorius, Anathema!!!
To the heretic NumdaCatholic, Anathema!!!
To the heretic Pater Lingen, Anathema!!!

Although teasing,...this was a serious question engineered to show you that a heretic can be a pope. Pope Honorius was proclaimed a heretic by three ecumenical councils. He died in communion with the Church. He was anathematized only after his death. He personally adhered to error though he did not tamper with the Deposit by binding his errors on the faithful.
aclumpsden the argument is in front of your face , but wait i think you cant read or fail to see the truth in front of your face. like all true heretics and schismatics do...
You fail big time to defend the heresey b16 has commited. you have no answer so just sit in the back ground and shut your mouth please. @saint benedict pray for uz who dug you up get back in your hole.
All the conciliar popes from Pope John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have made very serious errors in regards to those divine, unchanging dogmas, expressed in the previous councils, and codified by the Doctors of the Church. There cannot be any dogma that is not consistent with previous teachings from the Church Fathers. You will know a tree by its fruit, Our Lord said …More
All the conciliar popes from Pope John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have made very serious errors in regards to those divine, unchanging dogmas, expressed in the previous councils, and codified by the Doctors of the Church. There cannot be any dogma that is not consistent with previous teachings from the Church Fathers. You will know a tree by its fruit, Our Lord said to Judas Iscariot. And Vatican II has caused more confusion, and damage to faithful Catholics than any previous council. I'm sorry to say that we have been led astray be ecuminism, and modernism. In my humble opinion what we need in the Church is a Pius X to restore our heritage and tradition, which is unchanging because Our Lord is unchanging.
You claim that the Fathers of Vaticanum I declared that a long vacancy was impossible. You presented no evidence for that claim (like a quote from Mansi).
On the contrary Pope Paul IV declared in his bull that a long vancancy is possible. And this bull (especially §3,§6 and §7) is part of CIC 1917.More

You claim that the Fathers of Vaticanum I declared that a long vacancy was impossible. You presented no evidence for that claim (like a quote from Mansi).
On the contrary Pope Paul IV declared in his bull that a long vancancy is possible. And this bull (especially §3,§6 and §7) is part of CIC 1917.
@NumbdaCatholic- You offer no credible argument(s) - quite apart from your rantings in your private message to me. 😲
Most uncivilised, poor fellow, one cannot help but pity your lack of epistemological facility. Do keep trying though, you just might begin moving in a positive direction.
@NumbdaCatholic- You offer no credible argument(s) - quite apart from your rantings in your private message to me. 😲

Most uncivilised, poor fellow, one cannot help but pity your lack of epistemological facility. Do keep trying though, you just might begin moving in a positive direction.

Vatican II is not Catholic. but a counterfeit sect ment to decive most or a majority of Catholics!!!!!
* A Heretic is a baptized person who rejects an authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. A schismatic is a person who refuses communion with a true Pope or refuses communion with true Catholics. An apostate is a person who rejects the Christian faith completely. All heretics, schismatics and apostates sever themselves from the Catholic Church automatically (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis,…More
* A Heretic is a baptized person who rejects an authoritative teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. A schismatic is a person who refuses communion with a true Pope or refuses communion with true Catholics. An apostate is a person who rejects the Christian faith completely. All heretics, schismatics and apostates sever themselves from the Catholic Church automatically (Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943). Therefore, if one is a heretic he is not a Catholic (Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum June 29, 1896). And most heretics convince themselves that they are not denying any dogma when they actually are.
Iranaeus - Oh rather!!! I say again, chaps with low double-digit IQs are easily lead, like the sick bull being led to his death by a chain attached to the ring through his nose! This is the case with the Sedevacantist and the whole movement, not to mention these chaps who take onboard motocar discussions and silly (fallen) priests, like in this video!
Argh!! 🤬 It wounds my soul to hear of these …More
Iranaeus - Oh rather!!! I say again, chaps with low double-digit IQs are easily lead, like the sick bull being led to his death by a chain attached to the ring through his nose! This is the case with the Sedevacantist and the whole movement, not to mention these chaps who take onboard motocar discussions and silly (fallen) priests, like in this video!

Argh!! 🤬 It wounds my soul to hear of these idiots, who actually have a following, lead souls into perdition with their heretical stories. The Apophthegmata Patrum identifies these chaps as the breath of Satan and a plague of leprosy on the flesh of the Body of Christ, Holy Mother Church. May God purge them from our midst and cleanse them from all error.

Which one of these statements was proclaimed at an ecumenical council?
To the heretic [Pope] Honorius, Anathema!!!
To the heretic NumdaCatholic, Anathema!!!
To the heretic Pater Lingen, Anathema!!!More

Which one of these statements was proclaimed at an ecumenical council?

To the heretic [Pope] Honorius, Anathema!!!
To the heretic NumdaCatholic, Anathema!!!
To the heretic Pater Lingen, Anathema!!!
A man being engaged in debate while he is driving a car is not exactly a very fair debate worth listening to. I am ok with engaging people, not links to pseudo debates.
Gregory 👏
ACLumsden 👏
at irenaeus i guess you didnt take a look at the link i posted? listen to it VERY carefully you might just learn something..
"[I]f anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the Lord himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole Church; or that the Roman pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy: let him be anathema."
-Vatican Council I (Session 4 - 18 July 1870)
THis is rather like the recent Gloria.tv news article wherein it is said that some catholics still think that Galileo was wrong and that the universe revolves aroud the earth! I shall re-post what I wrote there, here, since it is most apt:
"This is rather like those ultra-conservatives who, lacking the intelligence and education to know any better, plough through old Church encyclicals of centries …More
THis is rather like the recent Gloria.tv news article wherein it is said that some catholics still think that Galileo was wrong and that the universe revolves aroud the earth! I shall re-post what I wrote there, here, since it is most apt:

"This is rather like those ultra-conservatives who, lacking the intelligence and education to know any better, plough through old Church encyclicals of centries ago, and challenge the Church's teachings today because such-and-such an encyclical teaches to the contrary. In so doing, they proclaim that the Second Oecumenical Council of the Vatican is wrong and heretical (and all the rest of it!).

"But then like the poor, we shall always have the fools among us! One just has to be patient and kind, and attempt to convince them either through good arguement, and/or prayer, that they are rather in error."

This video is intensely noisome and void of all sane logic!