Score Card: Our Lady 1, satan 0 Bartolo Longo and the rest of the story!More
Score Card: Our Lady 1, satan 0
Bartolo Longo and the rest of the story!
The Holy Rosary: Capsule Catholicism (Homily, October 6) St. Louis Marie Montfort is tremendous example of fidelity in the face of misunderstandingMore
The Holy Rosary: Capsule Catholicism (Homily, October 6)
St. Louis Marie Montfort is tremendous example of fidelity in the face of misunderstanding
Satan fell like lightening! No one is safe and secure!More
Satan fell like lightening!
No one is safe and secure!
Food for the soul: mental prayer (homily, October 3) Chew on the Word of God!More
Food for the soul: mental prayer (homily, October 3)
Chew on the Word of God!
God will not even have to lift one finger! (Homily, October 4) WHat will it take to wake us up?More
God will not even have to lift one finger! (Homily, October 4)
WHat will it take to wake us up?
Communicate with your guardian angel! (Homily - October 2) Don't give your guardian angel any holidays!More
Communicate with your guardian angel! (Homily - October 2)
Don't give your guardian angel any holidays!
Embarrassing temptations ... source of fruitfulness? (Memorial of St. Jerome) You don't know what you are made of, until you are tempted!More
Embarrassing temptations ... source of fruitfulness? (Memorial of St. Jerome)
You don't know what you are made of, until you are tempted!
St. Vincent de Paul made the Church loveable without the help of the media. It isn't what you say that makes the Church loveable ... its what you do!More
St. Vincent de Paul made the Church loveable without the help of the media.
It isn't what you say that makes the Church loveable ... its what you do!
Looking for love in all the wrong places (September 26 -Homily) When you find a Cross ... it must be Our Lord knocking at your door.More
Looking for love in all the wrong places (September 26 -Homily)
When you find a Cross ... it must be Our Lord knocking at your door.
The Church is Most Beautiful when She is Poor (September 25 Homily) Pride comes from PossessionsMore
The Church is Most Beautiful when She is Poor (September 25 Homily)
Pride comes from Possessions
Using Our Lady to get close to Our Lord (September 24) Our Lady is so eager to have us close to her Son, she lets herself be used!More
Using Our Lady to get close to Our Lord (September 24)
Our Lady is so eager to have us close to her Son, she lets herself be used!
Sunday Sermon, 18th Sunday after Pentecost. Can we debate the return of public confession?More
Sunday Sermon, 18th Sunday after Pentecost.
Can we debate the return of public confession?
St. Padre Pio is a lamp on a lampstand (homily, September 23) Prophets are real when they suffer.More
St. Padre Pio is a lamp on a lampstand (homily, September 23)
Prophets are real when they suffer.
The Feminine Eye and the new Theology of Women (Homily, September 20) The holy women of Our Lord's day would like to have a say!More
The Feminine Eye and the new Theology of Women (Homily, September 20)
The holy women of Our Lord's day would like to have a say!
It doesn't cost much to show Our Lord a little bit of love (Homily, September 19) Manners are inexpensive expressions of affection.More
It doesn't cost much to show Our Lord a little bit of love (Homily, September 19)
Manners are inexpensive expressions of affection.
How to defame a name (Homily, September 18) Silence can be golden.More
How to defame a name (Homily, September 18)
Silence can be golden.
Where have all the mystics gone? (Homily for September 17) Don't blame God for his silence.More
Where have all the mystics gone? (Homily for September 17)
Don't blame God for his silence.
WHen there are problems ... blame Catholics who do not pray! (Homily September 16) Intercession is our responsibility and glory!More
WHen there are problems ... blame Catholics who do not pray! (Homily September 16)
Intercession is our responsibility and glory!
Prayer is the only answer today. Toss aside those things, places, desires that so often tempt us..and devote more time everyday to prayer.
The Revenge of Conscience (Sermon, September 15) What happens to us when we tell ourselves lies?More
The Revenge of Conscience (Sermon, September 15)
What happens to us when we tell ourselves lies?
Father Paul Nicholson
Silence is a killer. Correct. But so is laziness. If someone doesn't take time to reason then they are actually engaged in a game of immense self-…More
Silence is a killer. Correct. But so is laziness. If someone doesn't take time to reason then they are actually engaged in a game of immense self-deception. We can't give people the easy out of saying that they are all invincibly ignorant. It may occur in some small minorities but cannot be the root for this universal collapse. It is self-deception, rationalizations and justifications that has brought us to the brink of cultural suicide. I completely agree with you formation and more formation and outspoken clarity is essential but we have to understand that we have the advantage since people can't hide behind "I didn't know".
Father, you say "we CAN'T NOT know that abortion is murder, that sodomy is wrong, that contraception is evil. Natural law is impressed on us, agree.. …More
Father, you say "we CAN'T NOT know that abortion is murder, that sodomy is wrong, that contraception is evil. Natural law is impressed on us, agree.. BUT as I said before, when your a child and your parents get divorced, how is that child going to grow up Knowing that divorce is wrong and breaks up society? He must learn that, either by his own mistakes in life, or from an honest, open and holy priest that God willing, may enter into their life. I have talked to people about abortion who say they never understood abortion as being 'murder'. For one man, I had to show him a picture of an aborted child for him to stop and gasp at the true reality of what it is. Christ said, go and teach all nations...Silence is a killer!
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Exulting Summorum Pontificum on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. What seemed like disaster was the gate to victoryMore
Exulting Summorum Pontificum on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
What seemed like disaster was the gate to victory
holyrope 3
Thank you Father. Very nice fiddleback chasuble. And lovely is the 'Ave Maria' played on your video.
Thank you Father for explaining part of our history and for expounding on Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum. The Latin Mass Now and Forever!