Father Paul Nicholson
Father Paul Nicholson

The Revenge of Conscience (Sermon, September 15)

Silence is a killer. Correct. But so is laziness. If someone doesn't take time to reason then they are actually engaged in a game of immense self-deception. We can't give people the easy out of saying that they are all invincibly ignorant. It may occur in some small minorities but cannot be the root for this universal collapse. It is self-deception, rationalizations and justifications that has …More
Silence is a killer. Correct. But so is laziness. If someone doesn't take time to reason then they are actually engaged in a game of immense self-deception. We can't give people the easy out of saying that they are all invincibly ignorant. It may occur in some small minorities but cannot be the root for this universal collapse. It is self-deception, rationalizations and justifications that has brought us to the brink of cultural suicide. I completely agree with you formation and more formation and outspoken clarity is essential but we have to understand that we have the advantage since people can't hide behind "I didn't know".
Father Paul Nicholson

The Revenge of Conscience (Sermon, September 15)

Very good point Fidelium. I can't disagree with your assessment that priests and teachers MUST not be silent. But the point is this: we CAN'T NOT know that abortion is murder, that sodomy is wrong, that contraception is evil. We CAN'T NOT know this. Natural law is impressed upon every human heart. When we speak out about this, it is to destroy the smoke and mirror games, the rationalization. Natural …More
Very good point Fidelium. I can't disagree with your assessment that priests and teachers MUST not be silent. But the point is this: we CAN'T NOT know that abortion is murder, that sodomy is wrong, that contraception is evil. We CAN'T NOT know this. Natural law is impressed upon every human heart. When we speak out about this, it is to destroy the smoke and mirror games, the rationalization. Natural law is not a scientific mystery it is KNOWN by reason.
Father Paul Nicholson

St. Josemaria Escriva: Advice on Dating

Great advice! Don't do anything with your boyfriend that you wouldn't do in front of your mother! Only a saint could be so delicate and so clever!
Father Paul Nicholson

Psalmus 111 - Confitebor Domino. Apostolic Journey to Croatia for the National Day of Croatian Catholic …

LOVE LOVE LOVE Blessed Stepinac. I am not Croatian, but what a hero against Communism! May the Lord bless us with such modern confessors and martyrs!
Father Paul Nicholson

The Only Liberated Woman there is!

Dear PNeri
Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, I offer the Extraordinary Form of the Mass as well as the Ordinary Form of the Mass.
Father Paul Nicholson

The Only Liberated Woman there is!

Dear Fidelium: You make an EXCELLENT point. Sola Scriptura is actually a theory not an actual dogma ... 👍
Father Paul Nicholson

Thanks a million St. Maximillian

Dear Molise;
I am happy to hear from you. I am actually a diocesan priest for the diocese of London, Ontario, Canada. Thank you for your greetings and prayer! ✍️