Gloria.TV News on the 31st of October 2014 Cardinal Forbidden To Say Mass: Coming Wednesday Cardinal Raymond Burke was supposed to celebrate an old-rite Mass in the Vienna parish church of St. Leopold …More
Gloria.TV News on the 31st of October 2014
Cardinal Forbidden To Say Mass: Coming Wednesday Cardinal Raymond Burke was supposed to celebrate an old-rite Mass in the Vienna parish church of St. Leopold which belongs to the very rich monastery of Klosterneuburg. But the Mass was cancelled. The provost of Klosterneuburg, Father Bernhard Backovsky has personally forbidden the local pastor to allow the Cardinal to celebrate.
The Doors to Hell: In an interview with laportelatine.org the superior general of the FSSPX, bishop Bernard Fellay, spoke about the recent Synod of Bishops. He agrees that sinners need help but – quote – “one does certainly not help them by telling them that there is an open door where, in reality, there is none. The door they are about to open is a door leading to hell.” And: “These prelates have received the power of the keys, that is to say, to open the doors to heaven, but they are about to close them and to open the doors to hell.”
Which Way? On October 28th archbishop …More
Thank God for Cardinal Burke and for Bishop Fellay, at least somebody is doing and speaking in Jesus behalf... lets pray to do His will and His will is not to follow detroyers of the faith, not to follow wolves in sheep clothes.