Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of July 2014 Dead: Tony Palmer, the Protestant preacher who enjoyed a privileged relationship with Pope Francis, has died after a motorcycle accident in the U.K. Palmer was …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of July 2014
Dead: Tony Palmer, the Protestant preacher who enjoyed a privileged relationship with Pope Francis, has died after a motorcycle accident in the U.K. Palmer was a – quotation marks - bishop in a group called the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. He gained notoriety this January after Pope Francis received him for a long private meeting and suggested that Palmer would record him on his iPhone for a video message for some Prosperity Gospel Conference. Palmer died on Sunday after hours of surgery.
Not Acceptable: On Vatican Radio the Apostolic Nuncio in Tel Aviv, archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, has strongly criticized the Israeli military action against Gaza, a territory, Israel has kept under blockade and occupation for decades. Quote: “The situation really becomes tragic. There is a loss of human lives that is not acceptable.” So far Israel has killed more than 500 people, most of them civilians and children. Yesterday an Israeli tank …More
Dead: Tony Palmer, the Protestant preacher who enjoyed a privileged relationship with Pope Francis, has died after a motorcycle accident in the U.K.
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The Apostolic Nuncio in Tel Aviv, archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, has strongly criticized the Israeli military action against Gaza.
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The monks had to leave on foot with nothing but their clothes. Over the weekend, hundreds of Catholic …More
Dead: Tony Palmer, the Protestant preacher who enjoyed a privileged relationship with Pope Francis, has died after a motorcycle accident in the U.K.
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The Apostolic Nuncio in Tel Aviv, archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, has strongly criticized the Israeli military action against Gaza.
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The monks had to leave on foot with nothing but their clothes. Over the weekend, hundreds of Catholic families fled nearby Mosul, the country's second largest city. Mosul
In one way or another 99% of violence in the world is due to Islam! 🤨