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The Texas Carmelite nuns have published a new letter on their website rejecting the Vatican's decree that they be entrusted to the care of the Carmelite Association of Christ the King, calling it "in …More
The Texas Carmelite nuns have published a new letter on their website rejecting the Vatican's decree that they be entrusted to the care of the Carmelite Association of Christ the King, calling it "in effect a hostile takeover that we cannot in conscience accept." "Accordingly, neither the President of the Association of Christ the King, nor any delegate of hers, is welcome to enter our monastery at this time," the statement continues. The nuns go on to claim they have found "new life and grace" in "the usus antiquior (the traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office, etc)," in the midst of their defiance of the Vatican's decree. The nuns also complain that Rome has yet to respond to their complaints about Bp. Olson's "abuse," saying, "If Rome wishes to ‘save face’ and to sweep the issue of the abuse of the Bishop under the carpet and move on regardless, this is unacceptable."
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