Are you getting the vaccine? Watch this first!
Sonia Chrisye
A vaccination as a substitute religion and secularization of St. Communion - to which one has to bow? ⁉️
That says it all. That is the worship of an anti-Christian system. For those who bow to this system, there is a danger of accepting the mark of the Antichrist as well.More

A vaccination as a substitute religion and secularization of St. Communion - to which one has to bow? ⁉️

That says it all. That is the worship of an anti-Christian system. For those who bow to this system, there is a danger of accepting the mark of the Antichrist as well.
Sonia Chrisye
Eine Impfung als Ersatzreligion und Säkularisierung der hl. Kommunion, - der man sich zu beugen hat? ⁉️
Das sagt doch alles. Das ist die Anbetung eines Antichristlichen Systems. Für die Menschen, die sich diesem System beugen, besteht die Gefahr, auch das Malzeichen des Antichristen anzunehmen.
2 more comments from Sonia Chrisye
Sonia Chrisye
Radio Munich presents on YouTube an exceptionally good analytical interpretation of the Covid vaccination as communion and shows that the Corona vaccination has now taken on religious traits. But what happens if the promises of salvation made by clergy and political leaders are not fulfilled?
The culprits have already been identified.
As in Emperor Nero's time, it is the …More

Radio Munich presents on YouTube an exceptionally good analytical interpretation of the Covid vaccination as communion and shows that the Corona vaccination has now taken on religious traits. But what happens if the promises of salvation made by clergy and political leaders are not fulfilled?

The culprits have already been identified.

As in Emperor Nero's time, it is the infidels who refuse to worship this cult, whose followers will proudly wear their adhesive plaster on their arms or corresponding t-shirts - yes, maybe soon they will also wear beautifully decorated tattoos. There are no limits to fashion.

An analysis that is thought-provoking, because that's how it is.
Sonia Chrisye
Eine sehr gute Analyse
Brenda Colpetzer shares this
Jeffrey Ade
No I am not
Miles - Christi - English
This is a good example of the discrimination I am subjected to on the GTV English language portal, where my publications are almost never uploaded. I had published this video the day before this one (The truth that is hidden from us about the experimental covid "vaccine…), and it remained totally anonymous, but when someone else publishes it, it is immediately released. I think this is not fair at …More
This is a good example of the discrimination I am subjected to on the GTV English language portal, where my publications are almost never uploaded. I had published this video the day before this one (The truth that is hidden from us about the experimental covid "vaccine…), and it remained totally anonymous, but when someone else publishes it, it is immediately released. I think this is not fair at all...
Carmine3 shares this
Where can I get this video please? Thanks.
Amen, Sonia. The side effects out weigh the vaccine! We are not anti-Vaxer’s. We are vaccine literate. Come Holy Spirit, guide us to TRUTH Amen. Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us. Amen.
Well ... I wasn’t an anti vaxxer until I did two things:
1) I learned the flu ‘vaccine’ that was given in 1962 killed hundreds of thousands. They didn’t die from the flu. They died from the ‘vaccine’ which cause the linings of their Intestines to thin out to the point of causing the ‘patient’ (read “victim”), to bleed out. I know because an elderly doctor was in medical school at the time and …More
Well ... I wasn’t an anti vaxxer until I did two things:
1) I learned the flu ‘vaccine’ that was given in 1962 killed hundreds of thousands. They didn’t die from the flu. They died from the ‘vaccine’ which cause the linings of their Intestines to thin out to the point of causing the ‘patient’ (read “victim”), to bleed out. I know because an elderly doctor was in medical school at the time and said the students learned about it. They have been putting aluminum and other adjuvants into ‘vaccines’ for decades. It’s part of the depopulation program. Don’t kid yourself. They screamed for years in the 60’s about overpopulation and the stopped. Why? Because they just started implementing their program.

2). The other things I did? I read MURDER BY INJECTION. You’ll learn the more than 100 year history of modern ‘medicine’ and how doctors were educated to push Rockefeller’s agenda without even knowing it.
Sonia Chrisye
Abramo-san, I will never be vaccinated with a vaccine that is only approved as an emergency.