
Bishop Williamson sermon for the second Sunday of Advent, 10th December 2023

He doesn’t seem to be suffering from either.

This is a “Reindeer Cyclone”. A swirling mass of threatened reindeer stampeding in a circle making …

Hai ragione. Poveri noi. Che Dio ci aiuti.

Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman

(“No fault of his own…”) scusate gli sbagli.

Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman

Mental illness doesn’t exist. “Illness” refers to physical realities. There can be chemical imbalances and damages to the brain, but the mind is not a physical reality. I’m not condemning this morally corrupted individual which may be the result of what was done to him as a child through know fault of their own … so I am not judging him … I’m simply stating the reality of the problem. Big Pharma …More
Mental illness doesn’t exist. “Illness” refers to physical realities. There can be chemical imbalances and damages to the brain, but the mind is not a physical reality. I’m not condemning this morally corrupted individual which may be the result of what was done to him as a child through know fault of their own … so I am not judging him … I’m simply stating the reality of the problem. Big Pharma loves to diagnosis ‘mental disorders’ because they become patients for a lifetime.

Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman

Well … the problem is that when a person is in a state of mortal sin, to a large degree they have surrendered their free will. Without the Sacraments it’s very difficult to change. In mortal sin one becomes the slave of the devil. Only Christ can liberate them.

Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman

Of course. There have been high ranking Freemasons that converted as a result of prayer.

Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman

The “other word for it” is morally bankrupt with a complete loss of ‘right reason’ from not being in a state of grace.

There have been three African Popes in the history of the Church. St. Victor I (186-197) solidifed …

While it’s a nice sentiment and “inclusive” and reflects “diversity”, Pope Victor I was most likely not a black African; images of him would confirm this. It would be great if he were because the Catholic hierarchy has never been one to be discriminatory in any way other than determining one’s faithfulness. The fact is that Victor I was born in a Roman village that was occupied predominantly by …More
While it’s a nice sentiment and “inclusive” and reflects “diversity”, Pope Victor I was most likely not a black African; images of him would confirm this. It would be great if he were because the Catholic hierarchy has never been one to be discriminatory in any way other than determining one’s faithfulness. The fact is that Victor I was born in a Roman village that was occupied predominantly by Romans and the son of Romans. I’d welcome knowing of any information contrary to this.

Are you getting the vaccine? Watch this first!

Well ... I wasn’t an anti vaxxer until I did two things:
1) I learned the flu ‘vaccine’ that was given in 1962 killed hundreds of thousands. They didn’t die from the flu. They died from the ‘vaccine’ which cause the linings of their Intestines to thin out to the point of causing the ‘patient’ (read “victim”), to bleed out. I know because an elderly doctor was in medical school at the time and …More
Well ... I wasn’t an anti vaxxer until I did two things:
1) I learned the flu ‘vaccine’ that was given in 1962 killed hundreds of thousands. They didn’t die from the flu. They died from the ‘vaccine’ which cause the linings of their Intestines to thin out to the point of causing the ‘patient’ (read “victim”), to bleed out. I know because an elderly doctor was in medical school at the time and said the students learned about it. They have been putting aluminum and other adjuvants into ‘vaccines’ for decades. It’s part of the depopulation program. Don’t kid yourself. They screamed for years in the 60’s about overpopulation and the stopped. Why? Because they just started implementing their program.

2). The other things I did? I read MURDER BY INJECTION. You’ll learn the more than 100 year history of modern ‘medicine’ and how doctors were educated to push Rockefeller’s agenda without even knowing it.

Bishop clarifies pope's civil union comment |

He clarifies nothing. He pushes the homosexual agenda. That's what he does.

Viganò Corrects Himself: Not Trump - But Church - Holds Back Evil

Nice attempt at some disinformation ;-)

Bishop Bruskewitz: “Persecutions Are in the Offing”

Great article!

Francis' vs. Trump. anti-wall heresy

Actually this guy's argument about sovereignty is correct. Every nation has not only the right, but the duty to keep out infiltrators and/or invaders.
The Popes statement about building walls is silly and incorrect. It only makes sense in the most metaphorical sense. One only has to read the Bible to see this. We have a moral obligation to construct walls for safety and security purposes. To not …More
Actually this guy's argument about sovereignty is correct. Every nation has not only the right, but the duty to keep out infiltrators and/or invaders.

The Popes statement about building walls is silly and incorrect. It only makes sense in the most metaphorical sense. One only has to read the Bible to see this. We have a moral obligation to construct walls for safety and security purposes. To not do so can actually represent a mortal sin when the safety of those entrusted to us would be in peril.

Chiaramente, non e' "una voce" che se ne intende molto.