There have been three African Popes in the history of the Church. St. Victor I (186-197) solidifed the celebration of Easter to be on a Sunday. St. Miltiades (311-314) oversaw the transition of the …More
There have been three African Popes in the history of the Church. St. Victor I (186-197) solidifed the celebration of Easter to be on a Sunday. St. Miltiades (311-314) oversaw the transition of the Church being accepted by Rome. St. Gelasius (492-496) was the first pope officially addressed as the "Vicar of Christ."
St. Victor I, St. Miltiades, and St. Gelasius, pray for us!
Laura Yunque
In Him, there is no slave or free, no Greek or Jew....the color of one's skin matters not at all and as Catholics we should not be focusing on it.
While it’s a nice sentiment and “inclusive” and reflects “diversity”, Pope Victor I was most likely not a black African; images of him would confirm this. It would be great if he were because the Catholic hierarchy has never been one to be discriminatory in any way other than determining one’s faithfulness. The fact is that Victor I was born in a Roman village that was occupied predominantly by …More
While it’s a nice sentiment and “inclusive” and reflects “diversity”, Pope Victor I was most likely not a black African; images of him would confirm this. It would be great if he were because the Catholic hierarchy has never been one to be discriminatory in any way other than determining one’s faithfulness. The fact is that Victor I was born in a Roman village that was occupied predominantly by Romans and the son of Romans. I’d welcome knowing of any information contrary to this.
Klaus Elmar Müller
"In der Geschichte der Kirche hat es drei afrikanische Päpste gegeben. St. Victor I (186-197) legte das Osterfest auf einem Sonntag fest. St. Miltiades (311-314) beobachtete den Übergang der Kirche aus der Verfolgung in staatliche Akzeptanz. St. Gelasius (492-496) war der erste Papst, der offiziell als 'Stellvertreter Christi' bezeichnet wurde. St. Viktor I., St. Miltiades und St. Gelasius, bitte …More
"In der Geschichte der Kirche hat es drei afrikanische Päpste gegeben. St. Victor I (186-197) legte das Osterfest auf einem Sonntag fest. St. Miltiades (311-314) beobachtete den Übergang der Kirche aus der Verfolgung in staatliche Akzeptanz. St. Gelasius (492-496) war der erste Papst, der offiziell als 'Stellvertreter Christi' bezeichnet wurde. St. Viktor I., St. Miltiades und St. Gelasius, bitte für uns!"