Ursula Sankt
Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman
Dante - using the term heretic is not the same as the derogatory words used towards this person. Regards wisdom and Christ's teachings - He taught mainly to the people who had limited education, so He presented the basic Word in a way for everyone to understand those basics - "Love one another as I have loved you (Jn. 13:34). After more than several Masters degrees in divinity and theology and …More
Dante - using the term heretic is not the same as the derogatory words used towards this person. Regards wisdom and Christ's teachings - He taught mainly to the people who had limited education, so He presented the basic Word in a way for everyone to understand those basics - "Love one another as I have loved you (Jn. 13:34). After more than several Masters degrees in divinity and theology and listening to you, I can say I know what I am talking about beyond that which you espouse.

Also read up on the power - political - socio economic reasons for the crusades other than Islam and include some author research and critics, verses what the christian scriptures teach for your enlightenment. And Charles Bronson's movies are pointless to discuss.

On another note, under different names there have been several high ranking clergy including a cardinal and bishop on these posts trying to clear the air - they have left and warned me to do the same and I will now. Your comments and some others comments, were at times thought un Christ like and hostile by all - hopefully you and others will work on the grace of spirituality.
re your post down a bit......... you have mistakenly taken the words of another as my words....... when you are engaging in polemics with a group, it is necessary to keep the who-said-what clear in your mind before you blast off with your expertise. (sigh....🥱 )
Please re read your post - feedback was indicated towards your posting involving vilification. Good bye all and God bless
Dante - you have asked some questions and asked me to state my position so I answer them. Stay on the point - it was never about this persons rights to shower - that is a political argument and you shift to this point because you are on sinking sand from a theological perspective. My comments were about name calling someone who is in need of help and the unnecessary ridicule and bullying and the …More
Dante - you have asked some questions and asked me to state my position so I answer them. Stay on the point - it was never about this persons rights to shower - that is a political argument and you shift to this point because you are on sinking sand from a theological perspective. My comments were about name calling someone who is in need of help and the unnecessary ridicule and bullying and the tragic consequences that can bring. As you falsely state mental health is not a real condition, however that medical condition is affirmed by the medical and legal professions and the UN and Vatican.

I did not think I should pass personal political opinion but rather reflect from Christ's teaching in a theological manner, on the point of the treatment of this person on the GTV blog. It should not matter (as you queried) if I were a Protestant but you ask, so I say I am a Catholic with deep formal divinity and theological qualifications and experience - but that should not have to come into it. I support from a human and a scriptural perspective that some one should not be ridiculed who is clearly upset - especially on a Christian blog. And in Christ's words "Come as you are" included this human being (Matt 11:28) and "Cast the first stone"(Jn. 8:7). and "By your words you shall be condemned"(Matt 12:37)

I am not pushing this as you stated, rather you and other seem to think you can be derogative to someone and no one should ask about a theological perspective as a basis for your comments. Nor did I start the idiot name calling - that was you again striking out against contrary christian teachings to your own ideas because you have no christian theological perspective, to support your position. And as for the kindergarten comment - unfortunately hetrosexual men (but not limited to) are the largest perpetrators of this awful crime you allude to.

The crusades were not inline with Christ Teachings -(Matt 10:14) and He did not advocate this violence as referenced and evidenced by biblical verse (Matt 26:51; Mk 14:47; Luke 22:51; and John 18:10–11), amongst others. The Crusades were predominately a economical and political agenda from the then Papacy, which reaped land, money and control, along with the unjustified slaughter of many - particularly the tribes of Israel who were Christ's and the apostle's country men and women. The crusades used Islamic position to justify themselves.

I have made a final response to your questions and statements at your request - I do so in the spirit of Christ - God bless you all.
Laura Yunque
@GW - your comments are causing a stir. Mundabor has weighed in. BTW, I agree with you.
The Perverts’ Little Helpers
The “other word for it” is morally bankrupt with a complete loss of ‘right reason’ from not being in a state of grace.
If people have damaged lives or mental health issues it is not caused from a state of lack of grace - something has happened here but those that pass judgement on them definitely lack a state of grace.
and so, you pass judgment on some of those folks who are commenting here - even going so far as to say they 'lack a state of grace." 😂 🤪 😴 that's rich !!!!!
Mental illness doesn’t exist. “Illness” refers to physical realities. There can be chemical imbalances and damages to the brain, but the mind is not a physical reality. I’m not condemning this morally corrupted individual which may be the result of what was done to him as a child through know fault of their own … so I am not judging him … I’m simply stating the reality of the problem. Big Pharma …More
Mental illness doesn’t exist. “Illness” refers to physical realities. There can be chemical imbalances and damages to the brain, but the mind is not a physical reality. I’m not condemning this morally corrupted individual which may be the result of what was done to him as a child through know fault of their own … so I am not judging him … I’m simply stating the reality of the problem. Big Pharma loves to diagnosis ‘mental disorders’ because they become patients for a lifetime.
(“No fault of his own…”) scusate gli sbagli.
What makes you think he has mental issues? I'm more inclined to believe he is demonically possessed and the demon in side of him is playing you.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Love and prayer and friendship is NOT a good thing to offer homosexuals, and TRANS people. It only encourages them more in their sodomy and evil lifestyle. Best way is to enact laws banning homosexuals from work other than menial tasks, firing homosexuals, TRANS, and lesbians as teachers, and banning them from running for public office where they can promote their agenda. JUst look at the new lunatic …More
Love and prayer and friendship is NOT a good thing to offer homosexuals, and TRANS people. It only encourages them more in their sodomy and evil lifestyle. Best way is to enact laws banning homosexuals from work other than menial tasks, firing homosexuals, TRANS, and lesbians as teachers, and banning them from running for public office where they can promote their agenda. JUst look at the new lunatic congressman George Santos if you want an example of a homosexual pervert freak.
These people should be forced back into the closet....like they are in Muslim countries. They have the right idea. Not to welcome them everywhere, promote their lifestyle, and portray them as normal .
A prayer is always a good thing (we do not pray for their obstinacy but for the conversion - mind you). That is why Fr. Maximilian Maria Kolbe who created the Militia Immaculatae (Militants of the Immaculate) ordered its members (with the approval of the Church) to pray for freemasons.
Some people I know complain: how can I pray for freemasons? Of course you can if the prayer is God-centered not …More
A prayer is always a good thing (we do not pray for their obstinacy but for the conversion - mind you). That is why Fr. Maximilian Maria Kolbe who created the Militia Immaculatae (Militants of the Immaculate) ordered its members (with the approval of the Church) to pray for freemasons.
Some people I know complain: how can I pray for freemasons? Of course you can if the prayer is God-centered not man-centered.
Of course. There have been high ranking Freemasons that converted as a result of prayer.
some things need to be known.... to cry "fire" when there is a fire, alerts the unaware and vulnerable to danger. CAVEAT: everyone has free will; including this person.
Well … the problem is that when a person is in a state of mortal sin, to a large degree they have surrendered their free will. Without the Sacraments it’s very difficult to change. In mortal sin one becomes the slave of the devil. Only Christ can liberate them.
While I do not agree with this, we as Christians should not ridicule people. I do not believe Jesus would ridicule but would understand that this person is damaged in many ways and needs love and prayer and friendship. Imagine if this person read your post and killed themselves due to depression and bullying. Do these comments belong on a Christian post. - stop a minute and ask would you use those …More
While I do not agree with this, we as Christians should not ridicule people. I do not believe Jesus would ridicule but would understand that this person is damaged in many ways and needs love and prayer and friendship. Imagine if this person read your post and killed themselves due to depression and bullying. Do these comments belong on a Christian post. - stop a minute and ask would you use those words in a conversation with God about this person, who is still God's child. What would God say to you ...
"Imagine if this person read your post and killed themselves due to depression and bullying."
Since when stating the fact (this is not a woman) is a "bullying"?
Kindly note that this is a public forum discussion not a nuthouse board meeting on patient policy guidelines.
Jesus teachings are hardly nut house guide lines but then not everyone on this forum follows Christian teachings. Making someone an object held to ridicule is legally and morally classified as harassment and bullying in all European and Western countries and by the Catholic Church. The tonality and mocking was bullying and there is no reason to post her video other than to ridicule along with the …More
Jesus teachings are hardly nut house guide lines but then not everyone on this forum follows Christian teachings. Making someone an object held to ridicule is legally and morally classified as harassment and bullying in all European and Western countries and by the Catholic Church. The tonality and mocking was bullying and there is no reason to post her video other than to ridicule along with the associated comments - Perhaps a video of Christian hypocrites would be better served to warn people. Some people are unable to pray for themselves, so I hope that no one here is ever in that position and others decide not to pray for you because they don't agree with your lifestyle or looks - a prayer costs nothing but gives so much to the receiver and giver. What are the forum mediators doing here? This is very similar to the others that GTV banned last year for abuse and also others left the forum last time around as they did not want to be associated with such. Debasing and non theological comments which these are - are not needed by anyone and I for one will not post further as I do not want to be associated with such persons either.
@G W
". Making someone an object held to ridicule..."
If anybody makes of himself/herself/no-other-pronoun an object for ridiculing - it is a question of his/her/no-other-pronoun free will.
Just to give one example: if someone is liking his/her/no-other-pronoun own comments in the public forum discussion.
What a beautiful, beautiful woman. So feminine, and such a sweet voice….