
Noodle Fight And Ball Game In The Sanctuary

This priest must be an Arian.

Ave Maria sung from the balcony of the White House

I think Pence is already a baptized Catholic. He left the Catholic Church years ago.

Burke: “We act, as if we are creating the Church out of nothing.”

Cardinal Burke is truly a servant of God. But he spoke incorrectly when he said "Today we act, as if we are creating the church out of nothing." No faithful Catholic acts as if he is creating the church out of nothing. Cardinal Burke should have said "The modernists and liberals act as if they are creating the church out of nothing." He should place the blame where the blame deserves to be placed.…More
Cardinal Burke is truly a servant of God. But he spoke incorrectly when he said "Today we act, as if we are creating the church out of nothing." No faithful Catholic acts as if he is creating the church out of nothing. Cardinal Burke should have said "The modernists and liberals act as if they are creating the church out of nothing." He should place the blame where the blame deserves to be placed. Words and phrases matter.