
One Catholic Priest`s words to his flock, and religious brothers.

source: Traditional Catholic Priest.

Mary Tells Saint Veronica Giuliani About Hell

Several times, St. Veronica Giuliani was told about hell. Here is the time when Our lady informed her about the 7 worse places in hell. It scares me and helps me as priest to defend the Catholic faith. It also motivates me to give Holy communion on the tongue and with a paten to prevent crumbs of the Sacred Host from falling on the ground. This could happen when people receive Jesus in Holy Communion in the hands. Crumbs do fall from their hands and then people proceed to walk all over Jesus on the church floor.

The article here www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/…/mary-tells-sain…

ends with this paragraph:

As the pressure grows for bishops and priests to be “Religiously Correct” from what is coming to us from Rome, the pope, cardinals and bishops, I for one, and all of us bishops and priests, need to seriously weigh being called in to the chancellory or being called into hell to spending eternity there.
unfortunatly something very bad like this happen recently in the Philipines, where hosts were dropped on the floor