Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria. Respected 20 year Middle Eastern reporter and Associated Press, BBC and NPR correspondent Dale Gavrak was told by Syrian rebels that they were responsible …Więcej
Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria.

Respected 20 year Middle Eastern reporter and Associated Press, BBC and NPR correspondent Dale Gavrak was told by Syrian rebels that they were responsible for last week's chemical weapons incident in Ghouta. Szanowany 20 lat Middle Eastern reporter i Associated Press, BBC oraz NPR korespondent Dale Gavrak mi przez syryjskich rebeliantów, że są oni odpowiedzialni za zeszłotygodniowym incydencie broni chemicznej w Ghouta.

Czy media głównego nurtu ignorować historię, która może wykoleić marsz na wojnę?

Will the mainstream media ignore a story that could derail the march to war?

Full Story: www.infowars.com/rebels-admit-re…
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