The Mystical City of God

The Mystical City of God - Ven. María de Jesús de Ágreda Work of God comments: The Mystical City of God reveals beautiful secrets about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is compelling reading …More
The Mystical City of God - Ven. María de Jesús de Ágreda
Work of God comments: The Mystical City of God reveals beautiful secrets about the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is compelling reading for any Christian interested in a life of perfection.
The miracle of His Omnipotence and the abyss of His Grace. The Divine History and Life of the Virgin Mother of God. Our Queen and Our Lady, Most Holy Mary, Expiatrix of the fault of Eve. and Mediatrix of Grace
Manifested in these later ages by that Lady to her handmaid Sister Mary of Jesus, Superioress of the convent of the Immaculate Conception of the town of Agreda, of the province of Burgos in Spain, under obedience to the regular observance of the seraphic father SAINT FRANCIS
Venerable Mother Sor María de Jesús of Agreda
Especial notice to reader - Approbation:
What the Universities of Europe, the Religious Orders and Learned Men Say of the Ciudad de Dios. BOOK 1 Treats of the Divine Fore-Ordainment of Christ and His Mother …More