Sierra Leone: Sacrament of Penance "Is Dying"

Archbishop Edward Tamba Charles of Freetown, Sierra Leone, is concerned about empty confessionals.

In his Lenten message, the African prelate notes "a very disturbing lack of interest in this particular sacrament in this diocese".

"I have sleepless nights because of this very serious pastoral situation in our diocese". He explains that "the confessionals are usually empty because very few of the faithful come to confess".

And: "Unfortunately, even as the Sacrament of Penance is dying in our diocese, the queues for Holy Communion in our parishes and Catholic communities are often getting longer", while receiving Communion in a state of sin "amounts to self-condemnation".

The first to want confession to die are priests and bishops, because hearing confessions is very time-consuming and burdensome.

Picture: Caritas Freetown, #newsHvvzjokdpj