Messe trotz Terroralarm im Kölner Dom: Drei weitere Verdächtige in Haft Die Silvester-Messe im Kölner Dom fand trotz aller Sicherheitsbedenken statt. 1000 zusätzliche Einsatzkräfte schützten die …Mehr
Messe trotz Terroralarm im Kölner Dom: Drei weitere Verdächtige in Haft
Die Silvester-Messe im Kölner Dom fand trotz aller Sicherheitsbedenken statt. 1000 zusätzliche Einsatzkräfte schützten die Kathedrale und ihre Besucher.
Die Impfpflicht für die Polizei wurde sehr schnell ausgesetzt, als die Dummköpfe der Ampel realisierten, dass man für das Niederknüppeln der Impfkritiker Polizisten benötigt.
Norbert Kasper
Hoffentlich gehen uns nicht mal die Polizisten aus, wegen verspäteter "Impf"- Nebenwirkungen, möglich wäre es!
The latest suspect, a 41-year-old German-Turkish man, was detained Sunday night in the western city of Bochum in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Police detained three people on Sunday morning and one man last week. All of the detained suspects allegedly belong to a larger Islamic extremist network that included people across Germany and in other European countries, according to Cologne police …Mehr
The latest suspect, a 41-year-old German-Turkish man, was detained Sunday night in the western city of Bochum in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Police detained three people on Sunday morning and one man last week. All of the detained suspects allegedly belong to a larger Islamic extremist network that included people across Germany and in other European countries, according to Cologne police chief Johannes Hermanns, German news agency dpa reported.

The other four suspects were detained in different cities across North Rhine-Westphalia. The one who was detained last week was identified as a 30-year-old Tajik man. No details were given for the three who were detained Sunday morning.

Islamic extremists have always been active, but they are currently more active than usual and the Catholic cathedral was a prime target for them, Reul said, according to dpa. “The police always try to be a few steps ahead,” he added.

Police had received information about a planned militant attack on Cologne Cathedral shortly before Christmas.

The city’s world-famous cathedral has been under high protection for a week and the threat led to the closure of the house of worship for tourists since Christmas Eve.