Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. John Damascene. New York Refuses Gay Marriage USA New York lawmakers on Wednesday rejected by a 38-34 vote, a bill that would have made their state the sixth to allow …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. John Damascene.

New York Refuses Gay Marriage


New York lawmakers on Wednesday rejected by a 38-34 vote, a bill that would have made their state the sixth to allow gay marriage. They stunned homosexual advocates who suffered a similar decision by Maine voters just last month. Gov. David Paterson, a Catholic, described that day as one of the saddest in his career.

Christmas Tree is Back


Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in Virginia has bowed to an outpouring of protests from residents and reversed a week-old rule Tuesday that had banned public displays, including Nativity scenes and Christmas trees, at the county courthouse. Supervisors voted 7 to 1 to allow community groups "equal access" to the courthouse grounds. The supervisor who voted to keep the ban, James Burton said, he feared that extremist groups would turn the century-old courthouse in downtown Leesburg into a "public circus." A decorated Christmas tree and a Nativity scene have been seasonal fixtures on the courthouse lawn for decades.

Defending the Ban of Minarets


Hegumen Filaret (Bulekov) doesn't share the view of those who consider the outcome of a recent referendum in Switzerland, in which the voters supported a ban on building new minarets as a violation of freedom of religion. Filaret is a Moscow Patriarchate representative at the Council of Europe. "Accusing Switzerland that it is discriminating against the Islamic minority would be at least lopsided. Second, Switzerland has no restrictions on building prayer homes either for Christians, or for Muslims, or for members of other religions," Filaret told Interfax-Religion. Switzerland's cities have "quite capacious mosques with absolutely visible minarets, and therefore, if you can talk about a restriction of the right of religion, you should make a lot of reservations," he said.

L’Osservatore Romano Reminds Obama


L’Osservatore Romano published an article last week reminding U.S. President Barack Obama that the number of Americans who oppose abortion continues to be on the rise. This was recently demonstrated by the nearly 200,000 signatures to the "Manhattan Declaration". This is a document drafted by various Christian leaders in defense of life, marriage, the family and religious freedom. The newspaper said: "The political and spiritual weight of the Manhattan Declaration is thus evident" as "this is a crucial moment for the Obama administration since the president's credibility is at risk over promises made during the campaign season, considering the not-so-encouraging results of the latest polls on the president's popularity."
🙂 nice dress :)