GOOD FRIDAY OIL SAVES THE LIFE OF THE VACCINED, and you can only prepare it once a year.

USA 🇺🇸 02.04- There is an added incentive to make this oil because I told you that blessing this oil on your forehead will help you keep vaccinated people from dying from another virus attack.

Jesus said, "My people, you have been instructed how to do Good. on Good Friday, prepare the oil at 3:00 am. Say the Creed 33 times and the Hail Mary 7 times. This is my special blessing to counter evil people who are trying to kill you to reduce the population."

This recipe was given by Our Lady during the apparition on the Holy Mount of San Lorenzo in Puerto Rico (1899-1910). The same recipe was given by St. St. Joseph Andrzej Bessette from Canada (1845-1937).

And now the same recipe has been given to John Leary.


1) One or more bowls that can hold heated olive oil

2) Pure olive oil (preferably single source olive oil, not blended)

3) Cotton fabric rolled up and used as a wick

a. A lid from e.g. a jelly jar or a small pickle jar with a nail-sized hole in the center to thread the wick through one end and tie it so that the lid with the wick will fall to the bottom of the bowl and the wick will lift off the lid and float in the oil .

4) Lighter or match

5) A large syringe to take the finished blessed oil from the bowl and place it in the container(s)

6) Containers equal to the amount of olive oil (e.g. if you buy a 16 ounce bottle of olive oil, have four 4 oz amber glass bottles with lids for pouring the finished olive oil by syringe drawing from the bowl into the container.

7) Labels ready to be placed on filled containers with the inscription GOOD FRIDAY OIL

8) Creed prayer

9) Hail Mary prayer


Make preparations on Maundy Thursday evening. At 3am on Good Friday, with olive oil in the bowl, drop the wick and lid into the center of the bowl so that the wick floats to the top. Light the wick. When the wick burns, pray 33 times the Creed (Our Father) for the 33 years of the life of our Savior JESUS CHRIST and pray 7 times Hail Mary for the 7 sorrows of Our Holy Mother Mary. After completing the prayers and removing the burning wick, take a syringe and extract the oil, placing it in containers. Tightly cover the lids with the containers. Put labels on the containers, labeling them "GOOD FRIDAY OIL"

Oil can be used to make the sign of the cross on the forehead of a sick person for healing and prayer for protection against impurities or temptations.

Good Friday Oil for Healing, Protection and Liberation

To use the oil for Healing, Protection and Deliverance, make the Sign of the Cross on the forehead of a sick person or sprinkle or swallow food. When everything is over, say the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy or thanksgiving prayers to the Blessed Mother.
Prophet John Leary USA 02.04.2021

P.S. Trust the Lord and don't fall for the devil's promptings that it comes from him or that it's black magic. This Oil blessed with WORD, PRAYER and TRUST is a weapon against evil that wants to destroy the health of entire generations and deprive the Christian civilization of life. Another opportunity next year, so don't wonder if it makes sense, because more and more people are leaving and no one can help them. Amen

link-KOMMHERRJESUS - Botschaften 2023 (1)