Immerse yourself, your loved ones and the Nation in the Blood of Christ and he joins everyone, they entrust themselves to His Love and Mercy every day.

URGENT - Prayer we pray every morning:

Jesus, I immerse in Your Precious Blood the whole day that begins, which is a gift of Your infinite love.
Jesus, I immerse my whole family in Your Precious Blood, all of them together and individually (list the people you want to entrust here).
Jesus Christ my Savior, I, your faithful servant, your disciple and warrior, immerse myself, my relatives, acquaintances, family, friends and enemies.
I am submerging, my neighbors and the people I meet today, those vaccinated and unvaccinated, who, in Your love, put in my way.
I immerse all priests and nuns (name those in your parish, congregation, etc.).
I immerse all my affairs, jobs, conversations, responsibilities and rest. Infiltrate these things, jobs, conversations, responsibilities and rest so that they will bring release, cleansing and healing. Make it take place according to Your holy will and for Your eternal glory.
To you I give all of myself, my vanity and sinfulness, and my love.
Let your will be done in me. May Your grace be with me and my loved ones always. Amen.

PS. This devotion will allow you to pass the present time, but also the time of the Great Tribulation together with Jesus Christ in His Grace, Blessing and Love, to inherit His Kingdom at the end.


You have redeemed us, Lord, with Your Blood! ..... These are the words of truth because hell trembles at the words: The Blood of the Lord! For it was written: "They conquered the Dragon with the Blood of the Lamb (St. Casper). Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Dearest Saints of Jesus and Merciful Jesus are three ways of expressing the same reality: God's boundless love, which in Jesus is a cure for all our misfortunes and which can to fill the gulf of wickedness and perdition that we fall into. IT WOULD BE MADNESS IF WE DIDN'T USE IT.

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ dictated by the Blessed Virgin Mary and recommended for recitation.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ hear us

Christ, hear us.

God the Father, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, God,

Holy Spirit of God,

Holy Trinity, one God,

That you would deign to change the minds and hearts of raging humanity, through the merits of the Most Precious BLOOD, hear us, Lord.

That you would enlighten all those who seek God by the grace of the Holy Spirit,

That you would deign to grant sinners the grace of conversion,

That you would deign to save sinners from eternal damnation,

That you deign to destroy the devil's anger, (3x)

That you would hasten the fall of wickedness and convert its carriers,

That you would deign to put an end to all hatreds between nations and all divisions in families,

That you would destroy the reign of the evil spirit in our nation and the reign of the Holy Spirit, he deigned to pave the way,

That you may comfort those who suffer in your heart,

That you would deign to grant us the grace of a deep inner life and spiritual recollection,

That you would deign to confirm us in courage and fearlessness in persecution,

That you would deign to fill us anew with the spirit of forgiving love,

That you would deign to strengthen the beloved spouses of your Son, Priests, by special graces,

That you would deign to attract frigid and erring priests back to You by your grace,

That we may again cherish and honor the Blessed Sacrament,

That you would deign to awaken priestly and religious vocations in youthful souls,

That you would deign to strengthen us in true faith,

That you would deign to give us a happy hour of death,

That you would deign to protect all our benefactors and loved ones,

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, spare us, Lord, through the merits of the Precious Blood.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, through the merits of the Precious Blood, hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, through the merits of the Precious Blood, have mercy on us.

- Pray for us, Holy Mother of God,

- That we may become worthy of Christ's promises.


At this link ..@Dwa Serca Maryja Jezus.... you will find Papers from Heaven in Polish, which you can open in English using the translator. From the End Times, you will learn how to live, how to pray and how to prepare your loved ones and friends for the times of global chaos, hunger and cleansing. Heaven warns humanity against the consequences of sin that will lead to suffering of nations that have never been and never will be, and this time is the biblical time called the Great Tribulation.