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One more comment from Miles - Christi
Ludovic Denim
Why do you want that Sister Lucy has been replaced while she continued to deny that the consecration of Russia by John-Paul II was done ?
She was locked in her monastery as Father Kramer explained in his book :…t/uploads/2018/02/Devils-Final-Battle-Book-One.pdf so that she could not contradict Cardinal Bertone and others.
Even Mel Gibson went to meet her in 2005 in order to show her …More
Why do you want that Sister Lucy has been replaced while she continued to deny that the consecration of Russia by John-Paul II was done ?

She was locked in her monastery as Father Kramer explained in his book :…t/uploads/2018/02/Devils-Final-Battle-Book-One.pdf so that she could not contradict Cardinal Bertone and others.

Even Mel Gibson went to meet her in 2005 in order to show her his movie on the Passion of Christ.

It makes no sense that she would be replaced because otherwise she should have said what the modernists at the Vatican wanted but never made so ! All this is ludicrous and a blasphemy towards Our Lady of Fatima like she would not have protected her child that God let us on earth unlikely to Jacintha and Francisco.

It was spread by the heretics brothers Dimond and it aims to demoralize peoples but the fact is she maintained that the consecration of Russia was still to do !!!
Miles - Christi
I have no wish for this to be so, quite the contrary. But it happens that the studies carried out by several independent experts convergently conclude that it is impossible that they are the same person, I think the issue is very important and deserves to be raised and investigated ...
Ludovic Denim
Sorry but even it would be true, I don't understand the purpose and the consequences as she denied anyway that the consecration done by John-Paul 2 was valid and said Our Lady of Fatima is not pleased with.
Miles - Christi
But, if it is true, it must be investigated in order to discover what really happened, and whiy did it happen; we always must try to find the truth, wathever the consequences...
Edwin F Young
So obvious!
Ludovic Denim
I'm sorry but it's ludicrous. When getting older, peoples change and even some old peoples walk with a back very swollen which is far different from what it used to be when they were in their 20's. Nose and ears never stop growing :…-our-ears-and-noses-never-stop-growing/av-17427778…tyle/shortcuts/2013/jul/17/big-ears-grow-as …More
I'm sorry but it's ludicrous. When getting older, peoples change and even some old peoples walk with a back very swollen which is far different from what it used to be when they were in their 20's. Nose and ears never stop growing :…-our-ears-and-noses-never-stop-growing/av-17427778…tyle/shortcuts/2013/jul/17/big-ears-grow-as-we-age

There is also this aspect to take into account :

I insist that there is no reason to replace Sister Lucy as she continued to maintain that the consecration of Russia made by all the Popes (John-Paul 2 included) are not valid and the courtesy (towards Blessed Virgin Mary and Sister Lucy at least) should be to not continue to put such ludicrous idea in the mind of peoples as long as one can not find the least purpose to such idea of replacement at the end of this investigation.
Ludovic........ I have 'no dog in this fight' but, it is very, very far from certain that Mel Gibson saw Sister Lucy. That he tried - maybe. That he actually saw her is a speculation of Richard Salbato
Unity Publishing.