World War 3 is upon us! Pt. 1: The Secret War. Shocking! WW3 is here! Part 1 of the New World Order: Order out of Chaos series. The war has begun! Get ready for thermonuclear warfare! Veröffentlicht …More
World War 3 is upon us! Pt. 1: The Secret War.
Shocking! WW3 is here!
Part 1 of the New World Order: Order out of Chaos series.
The war has begun!
Get ready for thermonuclear warfare!
Veröffentlicht am 14.08.2013
Internet Source: www.youtube.com/watch
Leo Laemmlein
Dear (or rev. Fr.?) Michel-René,
thank you for answering.
1) As to the homophile bishop your answer is okay.
2) As to the pope demanding respect of catholics for nonchristian religions including doctrine, symbols and values (as he did in his Ramadan message) your answer is:
<<<<(Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic, buddhist, hindu etc. doctrine, symbols and …More
Dear (or rev. Fr.?) Michel-René,
thank you for answering.
1) As to the homophile bishop your answer is okay.
2) As to the pope demanding respect of catholics for nonchristian religions including doctrine, symbols and values (as he did in his Ramadan message) your answer is:

<<<<(Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic, buddhist, hindu etc. doctrine, symbols and values and to teach so their children?!)>>
Yes we have to follow the Pope.>>

Sorry to disagree but in my humble opinion your answer is wrong.
As a christian I respect other people be they Moslems or Buddhists or whatsoever but I do not respect false religions. The Catholic Church has never demanded respect for nonchristian religions nor does the Bible demand ! There is a big difference between the one and the other. Respect for teachings denying Jesus Christ is APOSTASY!
Suppose you are visiting His Holiness Francis and he will hold a Koran book in your face and will tell you kiss it as a sign of your loyalty to the Catholic Church and to me who am the Vicar of Christ on earth -- will you do so? Do so Michel-René but I when standing before H. H. Francis won't do so -- by the grace of God! Et si omnes ego non!
3) Yes I pray for the bishops, for the popes, for the Catholic Church and for the whole of Christendom every single day (sincerely I hope).
Union of prayer!
🙏 🙏 🙏
Michel-René Landry
You wont have any of my comment anymore.
Union of prayer!
🙏 Pray!
🙏 Pray!
🙏 Pray!More
You wont have any of my comment anymore.

Union of prayer!
🙏 Pray!
🙏 Pray!
🙏 Pray!
Michel-René Landry
(Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic, buddhist, hindu etc. doctrine, symbols and values and to teach so their children?!)
Yes we have to follow the Pope.
One example: Our virgin Mary was perfect pure. Without a sin.
Lc 2, 22 24
" 22And when the day came for them to be purified in keeping with the Law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to …More
(Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic, buddhist, hindu etc. doctrine, symbols and values and to teach so their children?!)
Yes we have to follow the Pope.
One example: Our virgin Mary was perfect pure. Without a sin.
Lc 2, 22 24
" 22And when the day came for them to be purified in keeping with the Law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord-
23observing what is written in the Law of the Lord: Every first-born male must be consecrated to the Lord-
24and also to offer in sacrifice, in accordance with what is prescribed in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons."
And yet she did all that by virtue of obedience. So we also have to make the same thing. To obey.

Yes we have to respect the decision of the others. We can not live the life of the others. But it doesn't mean that when we respect the others decision that we accept what their are doing. Theirs a different.

We have to pray for the conversion of sinners.
Union of prayer!
4 more comments from Michel-René Landry
Michel-René Landry
(Should the faithful follow a bishop that scolds them as mentally ill when they obey the catechism regarding homosexualism?)
He will have to answer it before God ones his in front of him.
But yet again, pray for our bishops.
Some of the members of catholic church is in a very bad situation. Corrupted.
That a proof that the Ideological--modernist Church is not in union with the Catholic …More
(Should the faithful follow a bishop that scolds them as mentally ill when they obey the catechism regarding homosexualism?)
He will have to answer it before God ones his in front of him.
But yet again, pray for our bishops.
Some of the members of catholic church is in a very bad situation. Corrupted.
That a proof that the Ideological--modernist Church is not in union with the Catholic Church. Just look at his fruits. The modern Church that was mansion in the Vatican II has nothing to do with what we see today.
Here is a Explanation:
1st part: Weapons of MASS Destruction pt 1
2e part: Who wants to hear the truth?

- Communion in the hand, destruction of the holy alters and Communion rails. Pushing God (Tabernacle) on the right or left.-
That is not Catholic. It was planed by some people. But that their responsibility. They will face judgement day.
Yet again...pray!

Union of prayer!
And make penance in act of reparations. Don't forget the soul of Purgatory in your prayers. 🙏
Michel-René Landry
( Why then do we simple faithful have Church leaders?
In order for them to destroy the Church? )
You are absolutely right to ask that question.
Our lord Jesus Christ has founded the Catholic Church and he founded the Church by his Apostle. Jesus Christ is the invisible chef of the Catholic Church. He is no longer visible on earth to us since his ascension to heaven. The visible Chef is the pope. …More
( Why then do we simple faithful have Church leaders?
In order for them to destroy the Church? )
You are absolutely right to ask that question.
Our lord Jesus Christ has founded the Catholic Church and he founded the Church by his Apostle. Jesus Christ is the invisible chef of the Catholic Church. He is no longer visible on earth to us since his ascension to heaven. The visible Chef is the pope. The first pope is saint-Peter. Because Jesus said: ''And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it..''
Our successor is Pope Francis. Our Pope has authority over the Bishop, priest, religious orders and all of the laity. The bishop are the successor of the Apostles. Jesus said: ''As the Father sent me, so am I sending you...Go then evangelize all the nations...Baptism them In the name of the Father, the sun and of the Holy Spirit...and teach them what I have commanded you. And I am always with you until the end of the world.''
That was the founding of the Bishops.

This Catholic Church belong to God our Father, the sun Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

To answer you question, that because some of the leaders have turn their back on God by revolting on him and satisfy man's will. And yet again, God is just and he wont miss them in their judgement day. And so they are no longer putting their full authority in their hands.
But that not our business. We have to pray for them in order to support them in their vocation. That why I have said: <<And that has to be done from the simple faithful to the leaders of the Catholic Church.>>

And all of this has been already said by Our Lady of Good Success in 1610.

Union of prayer!
Michel-René Landry
It is not Gods will but God allow it to happen to put are faith to the test. We can not be blind that even before the council of Vatican II their were a lot of abuse of power from the leaders of the Church. But don't worry God is just.
Their is nothing wrong with the Catholic Church. Because it belong to God. What we see happening is man will. Because of pride.
God alone is infinitely victorious …More
It is not Gods will but God allow it to happen to put are faith to the test. We can not be blind that even before the council of Vatican II their were a lot of abuse of power from the leaders of the Church. But don't worry God is just.
Their is nothing wrong with the Catholic Church. Because it belong to God. What we see happening is man will. Because of pride.
God alone is infinitely victorious and glorious so his Church. Those who are doing is will are carrying their cross for the Church.
And yes we are all responsible of the Catholic Church as faithful Catholic. Do we sincerely pray? Do we sincerely going to mass for what it is? We have all the ultimate weaponry to interrupt the corruption.

Union of prayer!
Michel-René Landry
Her are important thing that the faithful has to know about the Latin liturgy: Summorum Pontificum / Motu Proprio Letter:
Summorum pontificum (En)
#1:Introduction to the latin liturgy: Introduction to the Latin Liturgy
#2:Extraordinary form of the mass explain: Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass
#3:Conference related to Latin mass:
The Latin mass: The Latin mass! Who wants to hear …More
Her are important thing that the faithful has to know about the Latin liturgy: Summorum Pontificum / Motu Proprio Letter:
Summorum pontificum (En)

#1:Introduction to the latin liturgy: Introduction to the Latin Liturgy

#2:Extraordinary form of the mass explain: Fr. Goodwin's Spiritual Commentary on the Mass

#3:Conference related to Latin mass:
The Latin mass: The Latin mass! Who wants to hear the truth??? (en)
Ascent of Mt. Tabor: Latin Mass - Ascent of Mt. Tabor By Fr. Calvin Goodwin (en)
Latin mass study (Series): Latin Mass Study Pt 1 Rev Justin Nolan FSSP (en)

Union of prayer!
Deo gratias!
Leo Laemmlein
@Michel-René Landry
<<And that has to be done from the simple faithful to the leaders of the Catholic Church.>>
Why then do we simple faithful have Church leaders?
In order for them to destroy the Church?
Should the faithful follow a bishop that scolds them as mentally ill when they obey the catechism regarding homosexualism?
Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic …More
@Michel-René Landry

<<And that has to be done from the simple faithful to the leaders of the Catholic Church.>>

Why then do we simple faithful have Church leaders?
In order for them to destroy the Church?
Should the faithful follow a bishop that scolds them as mentally ill when they obey the catechism regarding homosexualism?
Should the faithful follow a pope that demands of them respect for islamic, buddhist, hindu etc. doctrine, symbols and values and to teach so their children?!
Michel-René Landry
What do we expect? That we're gonna live in a peaceful era?
It can be so if people are submitted to the authority of Jesus Christ through his True Catholic Church. But man are easily corruptible. If we has Catholic want to see some peaceful time, well first the Catholic church has to be reunify by restoring the Liturgy. And that has to be done from the simple faithful to the leaders of the Catholic …More
What do we expect? That we're gonna live in a peaceful era?
It can be so if people are submitted to the authority of Jesus Christ through his True Catholic Church. But man are easily corruptible. If we has Catholic want to see some peaceful time, well first the Catholic church has to be reunify by restoring the Liturgy. And that has to be done from the simple faithful to the leaders of the Catholic Church.
It may sound like if the Liturgy has nothing to do with the world. But that's a big mistake.
The Latin Liturgy is the heartbeat of the Catholic Church. It is divine. That mean the Liturgy belong to God only.
We are gaining ground all ready in the world. With those who are in union with the Church Like the FSSP-PRIESTLY FRATERNITY OF SAINT PETER / ICKSP--Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and so many others.

But they are still some older generation in the Church that resist. That sad because we won't be able to have victory over the cult of death like Homosexuality, abortion and other... until the Catholic Church is fully restored.
So we have to make are effort to restore it by informing people about the Latin liturgy and the true Catholic teaching and we also have to make a lot of penance in act of reparation. We have to pray, got to mass and to offer masses for the restoration of the Catholic Church. Their a lot of work to do.

Union of prayer!
🙏 🙏 🙏
Sancte Michael Archangele,
defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Leo Laemmlein
🙏 🙏 🙏