
Cardinal Müller, Blessing Of Gay Couples Is Abomination

Talking in Bratislava, Slovakia, Cardinal Gerhard Müller criticised a „submissive conversion of the Church into an NGO” concerned with this-worldly conditions only. For him this constitutes a “suicidal modernization” of the Church.

According to the German newspaper Tagespost (February 7), Müller is not happy about different interpretations of Amoris Laetitia offered by different bishops conferences. “There can be no plurality in dogmatic questions”, he said.

Müller called Church blessings of gay pseudo-marriages „an abomination at a holy place" which approves of something God does not approve.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Jolanta Dyr, CC BY-SA, #newsKmixbgmqfu
Mr Reid's no I have other kinds of friends who know how to help a obstinate derelict like you and there very good at what they do. And I would be glad to help them not that they would need any help.
This is why are Our Lord calls for us to practice everyday self - denial. And to bear the cross he sends us with the principles of virtue. The self is way to toxic and contaminated buy vices attachments to Earthly pleasures and delights and Earthly consolations. All this must be purged from the self that is so wrongly ordered. By inordinate love and inordinate freedom we kill the soul
2 more comments from Josephmary
Mr Stuart Reid's I have a lot of friends who are Doctors. And I can tell you none of them exhibit the Constitution of your personality. They are quite professional and their integrity and friendship is very Noble authentic and sincere the stark contrast between you and them is like day and night. You in no way show the integrity of a Doctor. Therefore you are a fake an imposter please be true to …More
Mr Stuart Reid's I have a lot of friends who are Doctors. And I can tell you none of them exhibit the Constitution of your personality. They are quite professional and their integrity and friendship is very Noble authentic and sincere the stark contrast between you and them is like day and night. You in no way show the integrity of a Doctor. Therefore you are a fake an imposter please be true to your self and stop pretending to be someone you're not
Sunalos. Unlike you I expect it. To suffer rejection as Christ suffered is a true blessing. Unlike you who is at the beckon call of every creature Lee comfort and consolation. My path is all but thorns and thistles.
Where are the moderators for gloriatv??? The nutcase josephmary should be removed from this site! Even his name is blasphemous........
Mr Stuart what makes you think you are so clever and deceitful that you could convince me of anything coming from your mouth. Even your pretense of being a Dr. Is a lie and deceit. Please find a sspx resistance priest and go to confession for your obvious sins
So Dr. Perhaps deceit and deception are your Forte.
9 more comments from Josephmary
Dr Stuart its all over the net why don't you try looking, make a effort, instead of letting others labor for your lazy as....
Dr Stuart Reid's more far more than your blind eyes can see.
Muller is gay himself and a part of the gay vatican church. This is duplicity he act in public holy while in private he in with the gay orgies and gay parties at the Vatican. And sits on all the sexual abuse cases that come before him over 2000
The 2 guys next to him are his play boys his play toys. Ya they look like there in prayer more like worried that someone is going to assault them.
Don't believe him Miller is a no good rotten piece of slime rotten sex drug dog. An imposter a traitor a malefactor a pervert a predator upon children he is no rotten good Don't go to his mass don't give him anything
In an article published on leozagami.com on the 2nd of July, entitled Pope Francis: YOU ARE FIRED, I explained how the conservative Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), was suddenly forced to leave his prestigious position, after news of the police raid on a cocaine fueled Gay Orgy involving Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary of …More
In an article published on leozagami.com on the 2nd of July, entitled Pope Francis: YOU ARE FIRED, I explained how the conservative Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), was suddenly forced to leave his prestigious position, after news of the police raid on a cocaine fueled Gay Orgy involving Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary of Cardinal Coccopalmiero, reached the Pope, who was ignoring the powerful Vatican Gay and pedophile lobby so close to him.

So Bergoglio [Pope Francis] under pressure from what is known as “the San Gallo Mafia” which helped him to get elected in 2013, declined to renew Gerhard Ludwig Müller’s mandate, and conveniently replaced him with his deputy, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, 73, a Jesuit and Spanish theologian, and of course a member of the secret Swiss lodge of San Gallo, completing the liberal takeover of the Faith, what is considered the most powerful institution in the Catholic Church, The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
He's nothing but a no good liar
In 2012, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivors_Netwo… criticized Müller's appointment to the CDF because he had reinstated en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Kramer_(priest) in parish ministry after Kramer was convicted in 2000 of sexually abusing children. Kramer had completed court-ordered therapy. Müller did not inform those in Kramer's new parish of his past history.Müller had apologized in 2007 for …More
In 2012, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivors_Netwo… criticized Müller's appointment to the CDF because he had reinstated en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Kramer_(priest) in parish ministry after Kramer was convicted in 2000 of sexually abusing children. Kramer had completed court-ordered therapy. Müller did not inform those in Kramer's new parish of his past history.Müller had apologized in 2007 for mishandling the case.

In 2016, Fritz Wallner, a former chair of the lay diocesan council in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regensburg, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany, alleged that Müller as Bishop of Regensburg had "systematically" thwarted the investigation of abuse in the "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regensburger_Domspatzen" boys' choir. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ratzinger, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Benedict_XVI's brother, led the choir from 1964 to 1994. Müller insisted that neither the church nor its bishops were responsible for abusers. In February 2012, he said that "if a schoolteacher abuses a child, it is not the school nor the Ministry of Education that are to blame." He maintained that only the perpetrator is guilty. In 2016, a commission of 12 members was instituted to address the history of abuse and its cover-up in the boys' choir, a move critics viewed as long overdue. Wallner called for the church to purge any person associated with Müller, who had overseen the church's response to the allegations. In July 2017, a comprehensive report commissioned by the Diocese of Regensburg on abuse at the boys choirs said that Müller had "clear responsibility for the strategic, organizational and communicative weaknesses" of the church's response when the abuses were first reported.

Müller is being sued in France along with Cardinal en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, for failure to act in a case of sexual abuse of minors by a priest.
Liar this guy is a Liar Francis had to fire him because he had 2000 cases of child sexual abuse backloged and was moving way to slow.
Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up
Liar this guy is a Liar Francis had to fire him because he had 2000 cases of child sexual abuse backloged and was moving way to slow.

Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up
