Bologna collage. Visita a 3 santos: Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Santa Catalina de Bologna, y a la beata Imelda.More
Bologna collage.

Visita a 3 santos: Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Santa Catalina de Bologna, y a la beata Imelda.
One more comment from Irapuato
Misericordia: Yes, that is St. Sigismondo--a bit difficult to find--even though I had uploaded a video on this church: Bl. Imelda Lambertini in Bologna
We were disappointed, though, that the priest here placed benches on the altar, so that students could sit there for mass, (so we left).
The sacristan at St. Domenic's Basilica was wonderful--he opened the Museum for us, even though it was too early …More
Misericordia: Yes, that is St. Sigismondo--a bit difficult to find--even though I had uploaded a video on this church: Bl. Imelda Lambertini in Bologna
We were disappointed, though, that the priest here placed benches on the altar, so that students could sit there for mass, (so we left).
The sacristan at St. Domenic's Basilica was wonderful--he opened the Museum for us, even though it was too early. The dominican priests sing vespers early, and then celebrate mass--heavenly! To see St. Caterina up close, one must be sure to arrive at the designated times--only 3xs during the week can one go into the museum. Bologna is definitely a holy place: at St. Petronio's Basilica we found a nun adoring the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament at 3p.m., all by her self; at Corpus Christi Church, there was also Eucharistic adoration after the afternoon mass, and so on, and so on. Then, of course, there is that Cardinal's sign at the Cathedral that "speaks volumes"...
Klasseee, klasseeeee. Super! Dankeeeee. 👏 👏 👏
Links unten ist San Sigismondo, oder?????
Wunderschön, 😘 oben in der Mitte der Sarkopharg der Seligen Imelda. 😘 😘
Ich selbst war noch nie dort 🙄 🙄 🙄 , aber was nicht ist...........
Danke für das Bild! 👍More
Klasseee, klasseeeee. Super! Dankeeeee. 👏 👏 👏
Links unten ist San Sigismondo, oder?????
Wunderschön, 😘 oben in der Mitte der Sarkopharg der Seligen Imelda. 😘 😘
Ich selbst war noch nie dort 🙄 🙄 🙄 , aber was nicht ist...........

Danke für das Bild! 👍