Hypocrisy: Francis Praises Mama Antula

Pope Francis and Milei were the "pygmy couple" who attended the canonisation on 20th February of Sister María Antonia de San José de Paz y Figueroa (+1799), the first Argentinean saint, writes Bernardino Montejano from Buenos Aires on 12th February.

Sister Maria Antonia was known as "Mama Antula". She was a true saint, although she was canonised by Francis.

After the canonisation, Francis said to Javier Milei: "Thank you for coming, you who are half Jewish".

Montejano comments: "This is proof of the humour with which Francis, the Servant of the Servants of God, takes something as terrible as apostasy."

Francis praised Mama Antula's commitment to the weak and poor, but Montejano remains unconvinced: "This Francis is the same person who, when he was Jorge Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, treated so many weak people like rubbish."

He cites the example of Monsignor Antonio González Silvano, a disciple of Father Julio Meinvielle and longtime parish priest of San Isidro Labrador, whose savings Bergoglio tried to withhold.

González's brother Matías was denied access to the money. The case ended up in the civil courts and in a humiliating defeat for Bergoglio, who had to return everything that had been withheld.

Montejano believes that the spiteful Bergoglio wanted revenge for the humiliating defeat that Monsignors Lavagnino and González Silvano had inflicted on the left-wing priests in the elections among the diocesan priests.

Francis also transferred the founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, Father Carlos Miguel Buela, who was already removed from the leadership of the Institute, from near Rome to Genoa in northern Italy, without taking into account his age and infirmities and the importance of being close to his doctors.

Montejano quotes the words of Father Buela: "We must trust the word of a man who does not keep his word".

Bergoglio also liquidated the work of Reverend Jorge Benson in the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes in Bajo Belgrano, sending the priest to the Parish of Señor del Milagro, where there is no church and the Eucharist is presided in an ordinary house.

He also removed Father Ramos from the parish of Colegiales because he celebrated the Roman Mass in the Institute of Practical Philosophy on the anniversary of the Eucharistic Congress, destroying the liturgical work he was doing, especially with young people.

"Hypocrite! So many beams in your eye!" - Montejano shouts at Francis.

He reminds Francis that the Church has had many popes whom Dante put in hell, "whose existence Bergoglio doubts".


la verdad prevalece
The apostate and sacrilegious impostor Bergoglio, traitor of Christ, allowed the apostate Milei and her spiritualist/tarot reader sister Karina to sacrilegiously receive communion during the (sacrilegious) "canonization" mass of Maria Antonia Javier Milei y su hermana Karina comulgaron durante la misa de canonización de María Antonia de San José - Infobae