31,5 tis.

Kniha Ratzingera/Saraha: František bol "skutočne rozhnevaný", "nekontroloval sa"

Je chybou veriť, že každý má povinnosť vystupovať proti Františkovi, uviedol Michael Matt na tlačovom tlači Awards Ordinata 18. januára v Mníchove.

Matt vyzval na „inteligentný odpor“ (anglická videosekvencia).

Napríklad by nechcel, aby kardinál Sarah priamo útočil na Františka, a tak by bol vylúčený z pozície, ktorú zastáva. "Je to otázka stratégie," vysvetlil Matt, hoci Sarah je vedený Františkom.

Matt si všimol Franctiškovu reakciu na knihu Ratzingera/Saraha o celibáte: „František sa nekontrolova, bol skutočne rozhnevaný. “

Revolúcií to trvá stovky rokov dostať sa až do bodu, kedy podkope Cirkev, Matt dospel k záveru, že „katolíci musia podkopať revolúciu.“


OPEN DOORS: In 45 out of the top 50 countries, Christians face "extreme" or "very high" levels of persecution. That’s five more than last year.
Open Doors
launched its worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/ last week, revealing that about 260 million Christians experience “high levels of persecution” in the top 50 countries …Viac

OPEN DOORS: In 45 out of the top 50 countries, Christians face "extreme" or "very high" levels of persecution. That’s five more than last year.

Open Doors
launched its worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/ last week, revealing that about 260 million Christians experience “high levels of persecution” in the top 50 countries on the list, an increase of about 6 percent from the 2019 report.

Every day
, an average of eight Christians were killed for their faith and 23 Christians were raped or sexually harassed for faith-related reasons.
Every week, an average of 182 churches or Christian buildings were attacked, and 276 Christian homes burned or destroyed.
Every month, an average of 309 Christians were unjustly imprisoned for their faith.
The report also states that 9,488 “churches or Christian buildings” — or an average of 25 per day — were attacked during the 2019 reporting period (Nov. 1, 2018, to Oct. 31, 2019). By comparison, Open Doors noted in last year’s report that 1,266 churches or Christian buildings were attacked.

World Watch List Top 10:
1. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/north-korea
2. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/afghanistan
3. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/somalia
4. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/libya
5. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/pakistan
6. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/eritrea
7. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/sudan
8. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/yemen
9. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/iran
10. worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/india

1. More churches are being attacked

Attacks against churches have risen an astonishing 500 per cent – 9,488 compared to 1,847 the previous year. These attacks include church closures, and the significant increase is largely due to the actions of authorities in worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/china (23).

2. But fewer Christians are being killed for their faith

In 2019, 2,983 Christians were killed for their faith. That figure is shocking and upsetting, but it is fewer than the number of believers reported killed in 2018 (4,305) or 2017 (3,066). This is largely due to fewer murders in worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/nigeria (12), which remains far and away the country where Christians are most likely to be killed for their faith.

3. Persecution is going digital

Persecution keeps apace of modern developments, and governments are increasingly using surveillance. The explosion in digital technologies has been used to target Christians – particularly in worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/china (23) and worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/india (10), where facial-recognition technology and artificial intelligence have been used to identify and discriminate against believers.

4. Radical Islam continues to spread

In worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/syria (11) and worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/iraq (15), some Christians are beginning to return home and rebuild their communities. But the continued presence of Islamic extremist groups and ongoing political instability continue to threaten the church – as was recently demonstrated by the Turkish military incursion into north east Syria. In sub-Saharan Africa, radical Islamic groups are also taking advantage of instability in countries like worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/mali (29), worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/niger (50), and worldwatch.opendoorsuk.org/…/burkina-faso (28).