Should Nuns Be on the Pill?

Researchers: Nuns Should Take the Pill to Cut Cancer Risk Catholic nuns take a vow of chastity, so you might not think that any sister would need to be on birth control. But oral contraceptive pills …More
Researchers: Nuns Should Take the Pill to Cut Cancer Risk
Catholic nuns take a vow of chastity, so you might not think that any sister would need to be on birth control.
But oral contraceptive pills have other uses besides preventing pregnancy; in fact, Catholic bioethicists say there is no inherent conflict in nuns (or any other Catholic) taking these very same substances for prescribed, therapeutic reasons, such as for treating heavy menstrual bleeding or endometriosis.
A new article in the journal The Lancet goes one step further. It argues that nuns "should be free to use the contraceptive pill to protect against the hazards of nulliparity” – that is, heightened cancer risk among women who do not bear children.
According to the authors, Australian researchers Kara Britt and Roger Short, there are about 95,000 nuns in the world, and they are paying "a terrible price for their chastity": increased risks of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer.
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There are other really good drugs out there that treat migraines. There is no reason to use the pill. 🤨
Sheila Jones
As a young adult, I was treated for migrane headaches with a very mild birth control pill. At one point, I had pain for 9 days straight! I spoke in a whisper, because it hurt to breathe. My room had to be completely dark. I pleaded with my father to turn the TV down in the living room, and it wasn't that loud, normally. After several years, I was able to stop taking them, and no more migranes. I'm …More
As a young adult, I was treated for migrane headaches with a very mild birth control pill. At one point, I had pain for 9 days straight! I spoke in a whisper, because it hurt to breathe. My room had to be completely dark. I pleaded with my father to turn the TV down in the living room, and it wasn't that loud, normally. After several years, I was able to stop taking them, and no more migranes. I'm very glad my doctor, was sensitive to my needs. Prayfully let the nuns have them if they way the options, and know the side effects. Some pain is undescribable.
I believe it would be a sin to use this drug regardless of the reasons!!! I believe this because you would be supporting an evil drug company. You don't do evil so good can come from it. Never! 🤫 These drug companies use their money for abortions as well as blocking Gods gift of life. To buy the pill its like giving Satan 😈 the money. Lord have mercy.
This is another tactics of Satan - will lead those nuns to temptations. As Jesus said in the scripture, will He find faithful souls when the time He comes?
The headline is misleading. Catholic moral teaching certainly permits the use of anti-ovulant pills if, indeed, they have a therapeutic effect, and if there is no danger of a contraceptive/abortifacient effect.
Since all anti-ovulant chemicals have an abortifacient effect, at least 4% of the time, only a woman who is completely celibate (such as a nun who is faithful to her vow of chastity) could …More
The headline is misleading. Catholic moral teaching certainly permits the use of anti-ovulant pills if, indeed, they have a therapeutic effect, and if there is no danger of a contraceptive/abortifacient effect.
Since all anti-ovulant chemicals have an abortifacient effect, at least 4% of the time, only a woman who is completely celibate (such as a nun who is faithful to her vow of chastity) could safely take that pill for its alleged therapeutic value. The full article admits that the contraceptive pill has many, serious side effects, especially if taken for long periods of time. It would be dangerous and very expensive to use these powerful hormones for the purpose of (posibly) reducing the risk of cancer.