Normand Thomas

407. Joy

Many people live the poverty of not being in joy. God tells us:
“There shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create; for I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight; I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people.” Isaiah, chapter 65, verses 18 to 19

God creates every second, He creates us right now. We’re in the constant creation of God. Let’s repeat what God says: “Rejoice, exult without end for what I create.”

He creates. He offers us to be in joy, to live with his joy, here and now. We have every reason to rejoice when we think of God, when we do our best to work in his vineyard, when we place our trust and life in him.

Let’s exult, because God is present with us, God feeds us and showered us with truth and graces.

The authentic journey is to place our faith in Jesus. We can already be in God’s joy and exult to know that Jesus is life and he invites us to live eternally with the Trinity.

Every day we have reasons to rejoice to know that God is with us, if we place our life and the lives of our family, friends and everyone we meet in his hands.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Joy in heaven!, Normand Thomas