Normand Thomas
Normand Thomas

205. God’s Love in us

Jesus doesn’t cut anyone from his presence. But there’s nothing simpler than cutting us off from Jesus. To which source do we sink our roots? Which sun do we stay close to, during our life? The sun …More
Jesus doesn’t cut anyone from his presence. But there’s nothing simpler than cutting us off from Jesus. To which source do we sink our roots? Which sun do we stay close to, during our life? The sun that gives cancer when we are too exposed to it or the Sun (Son) of God of which there’s no limit of exposure, since he increases Love in us?
God is the patient master who always gives new chances. He wants us to take advantage of his Presence and to root ourselves so that we may sink deeper and deeper into his Heart.
Moses speaks to the people of Israel and offers decrees to observe in the name of the Lord. Here is a solid foundation:
“I have today set before you life and prosperity, death and doom, if you obey the commandments of the Lord, your God, which I enjoin on you today, loving him, and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees.” Deuteronomy, chapter 30, verses 15 to 16
Let’s keep God’s Love in us.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Caring for our …More

204. Life and happiness

We could still hear today the message Moses receives from the Lord: “I have today set before you life and prosperity, death and doom.” Deuteronomy, chapter 30, verse 15 God proposes to all: “life and …More
We could still hear today the message Moses receives from the Lord:
“I have today set before you life and prosperity, death and doom.” Deuteronomy, chapter 30, verse 15
God proposes to all: “life and prosperity”. What comes at the beginning is life. Life is a gift of God’s Love and what’s complementary is happiness. Happiness is lived in the present. Happiness is to know we’re Loved. But above all, happiness comes from its source, which is God.
Happiness comes from the Lord. Nobody else has given it. Happiness is the fruit of God’s Love. It is to be shared and received between people.
It’s the ultimate choice of our faith. We have the choice between “life and prosperity, or death and doom”. Happiness is in God. God has nothing to do with evil, death and doom. He offers us Love. It is we who can either follow the road to happiness or descend the slope into evil.
Unlike welcoming God’s Love, the result is the misfortune that leads to death. Death is the gradual response that leads to …More

203. Quality of people’s lives

Let’s meditate Paul’s reflection: “Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish …More
Let’s meditate Paul’s reflection:
“Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast before God.
It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, so that, as it is written, ‘Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.’” 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1, verses 26 to 31
Paul seems to have understood how a person on a mission is. He doesn’t elaborate much and defines it in a few words: “foolish, weak, lowly, despised”. That’s what Paul thinks of us. It’s not very flattering. But it depends on the point of view of the person who receives it.
For the …More

202. Poor of bad habits

As soon as we feel angry with a person’s gesture or word, it’s the signal that informs us to offer it and him to Jesus. Something hurts us in what he says or does? it’s also a signal to pray for him …More
As soon as we feel angry with a person’s gesture or word, it’s the signal that informs us to offer it and him to Jesus. Something hurts us in what he says or does? it’s also a signal to pray for him and to put his difficulty back to Jesus.
It’s a mission to simply find faults and sins in others, without becoming instigators and without hurting them further.
It’s a mission to detect what is wrong with others and it is evangelization to hand it over to Jesus, so that he cleanses the wound and transforms their lives.
We are invited to observe what the poverty of the person is. What’s stopping him from moving forward? What prevents him from being free and confident? Where is his difficulty?
How many people close to us could we help? We are on a mission where we are, with Jesus and above all with his Spirit. Let’s also offer what is wrong with us to Jesus.
Caring for our poverty takes on a double meaning.
The first sense is that there is poverty among people who need help. We must help the …More

201. Help humanity

Since the beginning of humanity, the rich want not to be poor and the poor would like to be rich or at least have what’s necessary to survive. Still, investing a little in the poorest and they would …More
Since the beginning of humanity, the rich want not to be poor and the poor would like to be rich or at least have what’s necessary to survive. Still, investing a little in the poorest and they would be active in society.
How many poor neighborhoods around big cities, with few resources and efforts, could be helped and recover? It’s a strange mystery that of the human being in front of poverty.
We still notice them today. They are begging on the street. Their budget is tight. They are easy to recognize and yet how many people are passing by them. The rulers don’t seem to be able to find answers to help out. Television shows are devoted to people from the most disadvantaged countries.
But it doesn’t stop there. Although it’s important and disappointing, there are other kinds of poverty. There are people who cannot go into a group or in a small place. There are those who cannot write, those who are intimidated,
those who are marginalized, those who don’t eat (anorexic), those who cannot …More

200. God needs evangelizers

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gathers the sheep of Israel and the whole world. Every lost sheep, he wants to bring back to the Father. He doesn’t want any of them to be lost. He continues to send …More
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gathers the sheep of Israel and the whole world. Every lost sheep, he wants to bring back to the Father. He doesn’t want any of them to be lost. He continues to send prophets today. He wants to get his message of freedom and salvation to us.
Today, where we are, we’re called to share the Good News of our salvation in Jesus Christ. We are the people Jesus needs for our time. His Spirit will guide us to share his message so that the world hears it.
Jesus is there for everyone, but not everyone gives himself the means to meet with Jesus. When we cannot evangelize people near us, let’s look elsewhere for other sheep. May we work full time, continuously.
We often hear that in families and with their own children that it’s not always easy to keep up with faith. This isn’t the time to become stationary and discouraged. It opens the door for other people. If we join other people, they may join the children of the families someday. Meanwhile, our faith supports our …More

199. Let’s unite

The Lord our God is rallying. During the Old Testament period, God never stopped wanting to bring the people back into his covenant. He still has the same desire. Even when we suffer and we live …More
The Lord our God is rallying. During the Old Testament period, God never stopped wanting to bring the people back into his covenant. He still has the same desire.
Even when we suffer and we live difficult passages of life, God is present with us and he supports us with Love. When we receive it daily in our lives, the much needed faith increases and helps us in the midst of the trials we experience.
Then there’s the community. God keeps inviting the living communities of faith to enter into his Intelligence and Wisdom, so that we may also feed people outside the Church. The common good is that all people have the chance to walk toward their salvation in God. All people, without exception, must know that God Loves them.
Jesus needed to surround himself with people like the Apostles. It’s necessary to surround ourselves with people who have faith. We read that crowds follow Jesus, want to hear him and receive his teaching. Jesus also taught Joseph and Mary how to become a holy family. The …More

198. Paul challenges us

Paul took Timothy under his wing and he wants to increase his knowledge. He wants his spiritual son to have a good background for living and transmitting faith. Paul, although held captive, finds in …More
Paul took Timothy under his wing and he wants to increase his knowledge. He wants his spiritual son to have a good background for living and transmitting faith. Paul, although held captive, finds in this situation a motive for improving the faith of others. Paul says to him:
“Proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.” 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 2
Let’s not stop proclaiming the Word, it’s the basis of the salvation for all. Let’s intervene with good words and with justice while respecting the people around us. This will require patience that will allow us to develop a greater and more accurate concern, to nurture and educate by relying on common sense and wisdom of Scripture.
Paul adds:
“Be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 5
It’s grace for Paul to have a spiritual son to whom he …More

197. Who are our friends?

“If you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that?” Matthew, chapter 5, verse 47 It’s not uncommon to regularly sit in a group and share continuously with the same people. Although it’s …More
“If you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that?” Matthew, chapter 5, verse 47
It’s not uncommon to regularly sit in a group and share continuously with the same people. Although it’s less pleasant and without putting them aside, it’s recommended, on occasion, not to sit with the same people all the time. This will create new relationships.
Let’s try to eat with different people and by telling our friends that we are not leaving them, that we’ll be back. We’ll discover new interesting exchanges and we’ll learn to know new people.
This allows discovering the wonders that Jesus realizes in their heart. Even if they are not naturally talking about their faith or the presence of Jesus in them, let’s listen to them all the same. Let’s listen to their silence. They have something to tell us. They allow us to pray for them.
Not only the priest, but everyone, we are invited to visit the people of our parish. The light of Jesus is there in their hearts. We discover charity, peace, …More

196. Comforting

When we are comforted, we can think of comforting others. It’s a beautiful exchange that begins with God. He transforms us to be open to others and allows them to live the comfort of his Presence, …More
When we are comforted, we can think of comforting others. It’s a beautiful exchange that begins with God. He transforms us to be open to others and allows them to live the comfort of his Presence, thanks to the encounter we have with them.
Paul pushes even further:
“If we are afflicted, it is for your encouragement and salvation.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 6
So even in distress, if we are in the Lord, we can be people inviting our contemporaries to salvation, supported by the comfort of God.
We can say:
“I will bless the Lord at all times; praise shall be always in my mouth. My soul will glory in the Lord that the poor may hear and be glad.” Psalm 34, verses 2 to 3
Blessing the Lord at all times and even through misery will be transformed for the glory of God and the salvation of the world.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014 Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas

195. Being simple

We are invited to let go of pride. The release that this will accomplish will allow us to use the gifts and charisms we receive from God for others. God comforts us: “Blessed be the God and Father of …More
We are invited to let go of pride. The release that this will accomplish will allow us to use the gifts and charisms we receive from God for others.
God comforts us:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 3 to 4
When there’s an opportunity to let Jesus take care of our distress, our fears, our sorrows, pride, God comforts us. Or rather, we discover that God comforts us, since we’ve surround ourselves again with his Heart.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas

194. Seeking the sheep

Today, Jesus tells us: “What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray?” Matthew, chapter …More
Today, Jesus tells us:
“What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray?” Matthew, chapter 18, verse 12
We are invited to learn each day by simply reading passages or books from the Bible. Some books in this library (Bible) contain very few pages.
We receive the Word whenever we open the Bible, go to Mass, and on many other occasions. We are studying it. Let’s also develop the ability to transmit the Word to the people of our time. We can offer it and transmit it to the people, since we are here now:
“I fed you milk, not solid food, because you were unable to take it. Indeed, you are still not able, even now.” 1 Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 2
Paul proposes to give milk and not solid food to new disciples. It would be important to remember this recommendation which is of prime importance. Paul’s text is very good for anyone who wants to advance in faith and share it.
Because, milk …More

193. Be a beacon and listen

The true disciple is in the middle of the world as a lighthouse that attracts to conversion. He is also the one who listens to the human heart. He helps the person to tell himself and share his sufferings …More
The true disciple is in the middle of the world as a lighthouse that attracts to conversion. He is also the one who listens to the human heart. He helps the person to tell himself and share his sufferings. It helps him to find his answers. It’s necessary, however, that the listener refrain from elaborating on his own difficult experiences so as not to block the opening or the passage that is created in the one who shares his suffering.
Let’s become aware of what others live. Let’s be attentive and sensitive to the difficulties he has.
However, transient difficulties are nothing compared to the life that God offers us. God shares us infinitely more than anything we can hope for. The grace of God is overflowing when, despite suffering, we cling to him and make him known.
May the mission continue, as long as people do not know Jesus. Let’s continue his works.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas

192. To live in Love

Offering our life to God is the answer he seeks. In this way, he can fulfill his dream in people. Then, let’s invite people to let themselves be loved and open their hearts to the Presence of God. …More
Offering our life to God is the answer he seeks. In this way, he can fulfill his dream in people. Then, let’s invite people to let themselves be loved and open their hearts to the Presence of God. Let’s invite them to give their lives to God.
Let’s tell them that his Love is free and perfect.
He gave us the gift of his life and he expects from us the answer to his Love. May we offer him our life in answer to his Eternal Life for us. Let’s offer love in response to his Love. Let’s also observe the fruits that the Spirit transmits to people and we’ll discover God present in them.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas

191. Let’s personally decide to live in Love

John invites us to be cautious when comes time to choose. We have the choice to follow Christ or another way. He tells us about people who were with the Apostles, but who are no longer with them: “They …More
John invites us to be cautious when comes time to choose. We have the choice to follow Christ or another way. He tells us about people who were with the Apostles, but who are no longer with them:
“They went out from us, but they were not really of our number; if they had been, they would have remained with us.” 1 John, chapter 2, verse 19
Sometimes, even in our churches, there may be people who are not with us, that is to say, who follow another doctrine than that of Jesus Christ.
Since we’re called not to judge, only God can know whether a person lives his faith authentically or not. We can, however, propose ourselves this question: “Does the person follow the Love of God and let the Holy Spirit work in his life?” Otherwise, here are some very good opportunities to pray. We have around us, in the church, an ideal place to practice observing and listening to the faith of others.
John knows Jesus:
“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world …More

190. Let’s meet the sheep

Jesus said to the twelve Apostles: “Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Matthew, chapter 10, verses 6 to 7 Let’s …More
Jesus said to the twelve Apostles:
“Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Matthew, chapter 10, verses 6 to 7
Let’s go to the people who seek God. There are some who are like children of God without a shepherd. All the baptized or not are in search to discover faith in themselves.
Let’s proclaim that the Kingdom of God is near, that salvation has come, that Jesus is the Good News and that he is gathering his people for eternal joy!
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas

189. The desire to find God

Faith is at the heart of the human being and it’s transmitted where we are. Our existence on earth passes quickly. We are constantly on the move and often we change places. And the people we meet might …More
Faith is at the heart of the human being and it’s transmitted where we are.
Our existence on earth passes quickly. We are constantly on the move and often we change places. And the people we meet might be around for a short period of time.
Sometimes we have a tiny opportunity to let faith that dwells in us appear. Hence, it’s the importance of finding simple but effective, true and awakening answers.
One of the big challenges is not knowing the others and coming to fear them. We tend to fear what we do not know and distance ourselves from certain people. But their difficult questions help us find answers.
We are asked to go to the lost sheep and offer what God gives us for them. The mission of evangelizing is now.
On every occasion that we are presented with a sheep who seeks alone, a sheep who doesn’t know Jesus, a sheep who is thirsty to hear his Word, we are the one sent to them. All sheep, without exception, consciously or not, have the desire to find God. And God places us on their way. …More

188. Going Forward

Paul tells us that: “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 17a This sentence challenges us. From now on, immediately, if we’re in Christ, we’re a “new creation”. …More
Paul tells us that:
“Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 17a
This sentence challenges us. From now on, immediately, if we’re in Christ, we’re a “new creation”. Yet we remain ourselves, as we are. But instead of leaning towards evil, we move resolutely toward the good, the beautiful, the true, the real, following the Lord.
It’s good to know that our relationship with Jesus, that the efforts to come to Mass and create other spiritual activities make us new people in Christ. That is to say people who let themselves be modeled continuously by him. And if Jesus transforms us, every day we wake up as a new person, a person who lets in the light of God.
Of course, that doesn’t prevent the mosquitos from stinging us, or hurting here and there, but Jesus transforms us from the inside. Those who have experienced it can testify about it.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Up! Let's go!, Normand Thomas

187. A serene evolution

Let's take the firm decision to follow Jesus. He never stops our march or our progress. It gives a feathered step and guides through a serene evolution. We can say once more with the singer of the Psalm: …More
Let's take the firm decision to follow Jesus. He never stops our march or our progress. It gives a feathered step and guides through a serene evolution.
We can say once more with the singer of the Psalm:
“All goes well for those gracious in lending, who conduct their affairs with justice. They shall never be shaken; the just shall be remembered forever. They shall not fear an ill report; their hearts are steadfast, trusting the Lord.
Their hearts are tranquil, without fear, till at last they look down on their foes. Lavishly they give to the poor; their prosperity shall endure forever; their horn shall be exalted in honor.” Psalm 112, verses 5 to 9
Let’s receive everything from God to transmit it around us without constraint, freely. It’s very important what is written in this passage. When we share what we receive from God, we never fall! Misfortune doesn’t stick to our backs. We have no reason to fear the difficulties that arise during our passage on earth.
With this attitude, we’ll …More
Sally Dorman
Their hearts are tranquil, without fear, till at last they look down on their foes. Lavishly they give to the poor; their prosperity shall endure forever …More
Their hearts are tranquil, without fear, till at last they look down on their foes. Lavishly they give to the poor; their prosperity shall endure forever; their horn shall be exalted in honor.” Psalm 112, verses 5 to 9

186. Closer to Jesus

We are invited to conversion, to live a meaningful relationship with God and to love the world: “Let the words of my mouth meet with your favor, keep the thoughts of my heart before you, Lord, my rock …More
We are invited to conversion, to live a meaningful relationship with God and to love the world:
“Let the words of my mouth meet with your favor, keep the thoughts of my heart before you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19, verse 15
And give back to my heart its freshness of youth!
Let’s convert, that is to say, be closer to Jesus, our shining Sun, and we’ll be ourselves in his Spirit and in his Life:
“Whenever a person turns to the Lord the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 3, verses 16 to 18
All means of conversion are good, since they unite us more to the Lord and to the neighbor. We will live a progression in faith. Jesus will be happy to tell us: “Follow me”.
It's like he's saying, “Learn to let go of what's hurting you and follow …More