193. Be a beacon and listen

The true disciple is in the middle of the world as a lighthouse that attracts to conversion. He is also the one who listens to the human heart. He helps the person to tell himself and share his sufferings. It helps him to find his answers. It’s necessary, however, that the listener refrain from elaborating on his own difficult experiences so as not to block the opening or the passage that is created in the one who shares his suffering.

Let’s become aware of what others live. Let’s be attentive and sensitive to the difficulties he has.

However, transient difficulties are nothing compared to the life that God offers us. God shares us infinitely more than anything we can hope for. The grace of God is overflowing when, despite suffering, we cling to him and make him known.

May the mission continue, as long as people do not know Jesus. Let’s continue his works.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas