200. God needs evangelizers

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gathers the sheep of Israel and the whole world. Every lost sheep, he wants to bring back to the Father. He doesn’t want any of them to be lost. He continues to send prophets today. He wants to get his message of freedom and salvation to us.

Today, where we are, we’re called to share the Good News of our salvation in Jesus Christ. We are the people Jesus needs for our time. His Spirit will guide us to share his message so that the world hears it.

Jesus is there for everyone, but not everyone gives himself the means to meet with Jesus. When we cannot evangelize people near us, let’s look elsewhere for other sheep. May we work full time, continuously.

We often hear that in families and with their own children that it’s not always easy to keep up with faith. This isn’t the time to become stationary and discouraged. It opens the door for other people. If we join other people, they may join the children of the families someday. Meanwhile, our faith supports our children. Let’s keep going. In any case, we know that Jesus is in their heart.

Let’s not lose hope. Let’s place our trust in Jesus. In this way we will have vocations everywhere, committed people who will announce the good news. Paul does not force anyone, he leaves elsewhere:
‘From now on I will go to the Gentiles.’ So he left there and went to a house belonging to a man named Titus Justus, a worshiper of God; his house was next to a synagogue. Crispus, the synagogue official, came to believe in the Lord along with his entire household, and many of the Corinthians who heard believed and were baptized. Acts, chapter 18, verses 6 to 8

Jesus is with us. We want to keep his Love with us forever. May our sorrow of seeing a world seek and not find a shepherd turn into joy of being able to join them, personally, and to evangelize them.

May the world know that God is alive and that salvation has passed for every person of every generation. It’s this joy that we are called to transmit to others.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas