197. Who are our friends?

“If you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that?” Matthew, chapter 5, verse 47

It’s not uncommon to regularly sit in a group and share continuously with the same people. Although it’s less pleasant and without putting them aside, it’s recommended, on occasion, not to sit with the same people all the time. This will create new relationships.

Let’s try to eat with different people and by telling our friends that we are not leaving them, that we’ll be back. We’ll discover new interesting exchanges and we’ll learn to know new people.

This allows discovering the wonders that Jesus realizes in their heart. Even if they are not naturally talking about their faith or the presence of Jesus in them, let’s listen to them all the same. Let’s listen to their silence. They have something to tell us. They allow us to pray for them.

Not only the priest, but everyone, we are invited to visit the people of our parish. The light of Jesus is there in their hearts. We discover charity, peace, joy? We can reveal to them how Jesus is present in their lives.

That said, it’s also important to have sincere friends that we sometimes eat and share with. But, above all, we raise the danger of always going to the same homes. We risk leaving other people behind. This is of great importance for the sowing mission to continue.

Let’s share the little we earned from Jesus and our faith will grow with others. Let’s share our welcome with others and the sense of welcome will develop, listening and it will increase, patience and we will become wise.

Let’s share with others what God puts in us and we’ll discover that God is also in others. Sometimes, it may take a while, but let’s not be afraid to sow what God offers us. Much delicately, because the place in which we sow is the heart.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas