Ludovic Denim
104 pages
« 7 lies about Catholic history », by Diane Moczar Infamous myths about the Church's past and how to answer themMore
« 7 lies about Catholic history », by Diane Moczar
Infamous myths about the Church's past and how to answer them
Ludovic Denim
@tradcatknight who blocked me in order that I could not reply. Christ himself commanded in the Bible to not make pay for the Gospel. He didn't want that his apostles ask any money like when Simon the magician wanted to know how Peter made some miracles. Shame on you that claim that peoples that recall you this are name-called socialist.
If you were following Christ, you wouldn't doubt that God …More
@tradcatknight who blocked me in order that I could not reply. Christ himself commanded in the Bible to not make pay for the Gospel. He didn't want that his apostles ask any money like when Simon the magician wanted to know how Peter made some miracles. Shame on you that claim that peoples that recall you this are name-called socialist.

If you were following Christ, you wouldn't doubt that God would provide you anything you need like Saint Paul who, once lived in the abundance, another in poverty, and that Catholics would help you financially a way or another so that you could continue.