Beautiful Panorama Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsQbhmlniudjMore
Beautiful Panorama
Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsQbhmlniudj
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
NO!! This is wrong. ....."Dark secrets like rape, homosexuality, paedophelia, pregnant nuns, should never be publicized to cause scandal. All must die with their filthy secrets."
All must be exposed...sex pervert homo pedophile priests, rapist priests (homo or straight), etc.
I wish someone would speak up about all the homo filth that goes on in Pope Francis' Vatican to bring them down.
Anyone who …More
NO!! This is wrong. ....."Dark secrets like rape, homosexuality, paedophelia, pregnant nuns, should never be publicized to cause scandal. All must die with their filthy secrets."
All must be exposed...sex pervert homo pedophile priests, rapist priests (homo or straight), etc.
I wish someone would speak up about all the homo filth that goes on in Pope Francis' Vatican to bring them down.
Anyone who doesn't believe they are doing it (Tucho Fernandez, Zachetta, Parolin, Zuppi, etc....you then live in fantasy land.
The late, infamous Dean of the College of Cardinal who was a sworn enemy of the great Pope Benedict XVI was revealed to be a queer after his death.
The JPII Vatican and Francis Vatican are fill of them.

Benedict XVI tried to get rid of them.....and they instead got rid of him.