Look around you, look what a beautiful world God has created and what we humans have done . We are constantly turning it into a Sodom and Gomorrah, a hell on earth. Into a slaughterhouse of unborn children which is the greatest crime in the history of mankind . We murder over 50 million children a year and call it freedom. Communists and Nazis are good children compared to us! Abortion is causing …More
Look around you, look what a beautiful world God has created and what we humans have done . We are constantly turning it into a Sodom and Gomorrah, a hell on earth. Into a slaughterhouse of unborn children which is the greatest crime in the history of mankind . We murder over 50 million children a year and call it freedom. Communists and Nazis are good children compared to us! Abortion is causing aging populations and there is no one to care for the elderly, so another solution was invented – euthanasia, or so-called assisted suicide, or in simple terms, killing them.

You can’t lose with God, but everyone should ask themselves what they really believe in?

You cannot be Catholic by supporting even just in thought or silence such a crime. The statistics are merciless and the number of people declaring themselves to be Christians does not coincide with the number of people who do not accept abortion or ethanasia. There is a very big difference. It is only one commandment of God – thou shalt not kill – and where are the rest of the issues, e.g. divorce, ecumenism, etc.?

Being with God, you can’t lose, but you can’t cheat Him either. He knows your thoughts and your soul. No one should hope to hide something when the soul is covered by the shadow of the fallen one.

Without God, you can’t win!

Sometimes we feel lost in life and even defeated. We think we believe in God and that we are close to Him and yet we cannot cope with the obstacles that confront us. Our …