
State Power Behind Bombings?

Citing "whistleblowers", British state television Channel4.com (September 5) accuses Sri Lankan officials and military intelligence of involvement in the Easter Sunday 2019 bombings that killed 269 people, and of thwarting police investigations.

The plan was allegedly to create chaos and fear to bring back to power Mahinda and Gautamya Rajapaksha, two brothers who had ruled Sri Lanka for a decade but had been ousted from power a few years earlier.

The official narrative blamed local "ISIS" Muslims. Sri Lankan MPs, a parliamentary report and Colombo Cardinal Ranjith have questioned this account.

Ranjith told Channel4, “You have many such involvements of the top leadership in Sri Lanka. We are in a grand plot in order to gain power.”

In a September 6 statement, Ranjith doesn't want to find "fault with this channel on its past relationship" with Sri Lanka but calls for an independent inquiry into the content of the programme on the Easter attacks.

