The Survival of Paul VI Predicted by St. John the Apostle. It is common to hear traditional Catholic priests say that we don't know when the Church crisis will end and how; now, the teaching of the …More
The Survival of Paul VI Predicted by St. John the Apostle.

It is common to hear traditional Catholic priests say that we don't know when the Church crisis will end and how; now, the teaching of the Apocalypse of St. John is the exact opposite: this prophetic book does not only describe the way the crisis will be solved, it gives its approximate length. Many Catholics believe that the Apocalypse is hard to understand, because they don't know the meaning of its language, which is made of symbols. Therefore, the purpose of the present book is to explain those symbols, in the light of Fr. Kramers' work, "The Book of Destiny". Once we have drawn a parallel between this work and some more recent writings which have better understood the crisis described in the Apocalypse, the latter book becomes clear and evident: it mentions the election of a Martyr-Pope some time before the apostasy of the Roman clergy, who has to go into exile following this apostasy, and who is to reappear later, in order to judge the Great Harlot, namely the counterfeit Church of the end times.