9/11: There were no planes - Part II - With Spanish Subtitles - See also: 1. 9/11 - There was no plane - Part I - See also: 9-11 Explained in 5 Min… - 2. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes. europhysicsnews.org …More
9/11: There were no planes - Part II - With Spanish Subtitles - See also: 1. 9/11 - There was no plane - Part I - See also: 9-11 Explained in 5 Min… - 2. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes. europhysicsnews.org/…/pdf/2016/04/epn2016474p21.pdf - For more information: 1. ae911truth.org - 2. wtc7.net - From time to time it is good to remember what our enemies were capable of, especially for those who naively think that something like this "is not possible" or that "no one would be capable of "of committing such a crime. In September 2001 the same psychopaths who today are behind the "plandemic" - the eugenic globalist elite - carried out an unprecedented terrorist attack in which they murdered 3.000 people, with controlled demolitions, making the world believe, through digital images, that planes had hit against the towers. The reality is that the eyewitnesses did not see or hear any aircraft, they only heard and saw explosions. Those with such immense power as to prepare and carry out an attack of this magnitude, and to impose their fallacious tale on the entire world, can also invent a "pandemic" to make humanity as a whole agree to receive a eugenic criminal "vaccine" with with a view to reducing the world population. Or do we forget that the "prince of this world" is also a "murderer from the beginning" and a "father of lies"? Whoever does not believe in the devil - or live as if he did not exist - will never be able to understand in depth the causes and meaning of the main events that mark history ...
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Miles - Christi
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