9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes. What the world has been suffering since the beginning of this year is a true coup d'état by the globalist elite in order to establish the tyranny of the New World Order. …More
9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes.

What the world has been suffering since the beginning of this year is a true coup d'état by the globalist elite in order to establish the tyranny of the New World Order. I consider it opportune to recall what this same gang of genocidal terrorists did at the beginning of the century, as a pretext for carrying out their "War on Terrorism", and then starting the second war of the Persian Gulf and the invasion of Afghanistan. For those who could be skeptical about the reality or not of this farce of the "global health crisis" -because: "how could anyone dare to do something like that?"- it will be very useful to remember what happened already that distant September 11, 2001. And, if you are not clear about what caused that catastrophe, I suggest you to spend a part of your valuable time investigating it. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act...

SOURCE: youtube.com/null - Version in Spanish: El 11-S explicado en 5 minutos

To deepen the subject:

20 Years After 9/11




9/11: 15 Years Of A Transparent Lie -- Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org

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