Bazsó-Dombi Attila

Stand with Bishop Strickland as Bergoglio removes this faithful shepherd who loves the Church

Bishop Joseph Strickland is being cruelly removed from his diocese by Bergoglio, despite being America's most faithful shepherd.
This merciless attack on Catholic orthodoxy by Pope Francis demands a prayerful response today, so please sign our petition pledging to pray for Bishop Strickland as Pope Francis removes him from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. We will be presenting Bishop Strickland with your prayer pledges, so sign up now!
The most stunning thing is that Bp. Strickland's Diocese of Tyler has one of the highest vocations per capita in the United States.
Bp. Strickland has led the diocese for over ten years and been lauded by faithful Catholics for his promotion of love for Christ in the Eucharist and traditional Catholic teachings. But he is now being cancelled for, among other things, defending the Catholic Church against error.
The Vatican has had Bp. Strickland in their crosshairs for sometime, not least because, like St. Paul corrected St. Peter, Strickland publicly corrected several heterodox statements from Pope Francis.
Known as ''America's bishop'', he has been outspoken in defending life and family, and has insisted that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament be respected, which led him to refuse to give pro-abortion politicians Holy Communion.
Bp. Strickland has been fearless in his fight for fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church. In a recent episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, presented by LifeSiteNews, Bishop Strickland states that he is willing to suffer martyrdom, red or white, for defending the truths of the Catholic faith.
His unwavering dedication to promoting Jesus Christ and His Truth has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals.
We stand with Bishop Joseph Strickland, his love for Christ in the Eucharist, his devotion to Our Lady and the selfless work he has undertaken to foster greater fidelity among the clergy and even the Pope.
Please share this petition TODAY with your friends and family. We must pray for Bishop Strickland in this most painful trial.

Stand with Bishop Strickland as Bergoglio removes this faithful shepherd who loves the Church
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Saying our Rosaries, attending Mass and spending time in prayer is exactly what we need to be doing. This is a spirtual battle to be fought with spiritual weapons! This is not a polical fight where petitions, rallys, letter writing, witholding money ect is the solution. SSPX is also not the answer. (most Catholics do not have access to SSPX masses and they are not without their …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Saying our Rosaries, attending Mass and spending time in prayer is exactly what we need to be doing. This is a spirtual battle to be fought with spiritual weapons! This is not a polical fight where petitions, rallys, letter writing, witholding money ect is the solution. SSPX is also not the answer. (most Catholics do not have access to SSPX masses and they are not without their issues too). Please also explain to me how name calling and insults directed to the Pope or members of the clergy is helpful? Are we not told by Our Lord to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us? Man always gets in trouble when he thinks he has a better idea.
Kindly note that the Novus Ordo is a spiritual weapon indeed but of the Revolution.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@frawley -No offense, but I'm glad I had not eaten my lunch yet when I read your post. All I'm going to say are two things>
1) You're wrong......very many Catholics think like myself, and are acting to rally in support of Bishop Strickland and against Pope they should.
2). What I've called Pope Francis and his homo legions is the Truth, plain and simple. But that's nothing compared to …More
@frawley -No offense, but I'm glad I had not eaten my lunch yet when I read your post. All I'm going to say are two things>
1) You're wrong......very many Catholics think like myself, and are acting to rally in support of Bishop Strickland and against Pope they should.
2). What I've called Pope Francis and his homo legions is the Truth, plain and simple. But that's nothing compared to what I have read on other Catholic sites. Homo Pope Francis has opened a rebellion against him on his doorstep, and I hope he and his people suffer big time for it!
Please answer my question. We here on are well aware of all of the things that the Pope has said and done that conflict with Catholic dogma, but how do the insults and name calling help?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Everyone, don't just go running to Church with your Rosaries, weeping and moaning at the state of the Church (Boo hoo hoo!!). Stand up! Take action. Stop going to the Novus Ordo!!!!!!!!!!! Stop giving to your Dioceses, Go to the SSPX!!! Write your support to Bishop Strickland. Encourage him as much as you can!!
1) Sit in Church and cry, or say Rosaries endlessly
2) Don't say..."There's nothing …More
Everyone, don't just go running to Church with your Rosaries, weeping and moaning at the state of the Church (Boo hoo hoo!!). Stand up! Take action. Stop going to the Novus Ordo!!!!!!!!!!! Stop giving to your Dioceses, Go to the SSPX!!! Write your support to Bishop Strickland. Encourage him as much as you can!!
1) Sit in Church and cry, or say Rosaries endlessly
2) Don't say..."There's nothing we can do, it up to God in His time..."
3) Don't just obey, and say "It's the will of the Pope...."
4) Don't just encourage people to keep going to the Novus Ordo.
5) Don't write to the homo Nuncio to the USA Christophe Pierre (it'll do no good..he'll laugh and scoff at you)
6) Don't write to the homos in the Vatican, including Pope Francis. You'd just make a fool of yourself. They don't care about the Catholic Faith!!!
Thanks for sharing this
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I just remembered something......didn't all this persecution of Bishop Strickland peak when he rallied with thousands of faithful Catholics with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament against the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"-a TRANSVESTIVE HOMOSEXUAL group of fake "nuns" who mock and ridicule the Catholic Faith.
Pope Francis and his Vatican are very pro-HOMOSEXUALS and maybe all are homos themselves …More
I just remembered something......didn't all this persecution of Bishop Strickland peak when he rallied with thousands of faithful Catholics with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament against the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"-a TRANSVESTIVE HOMOSEXUAL group of fake "nuns" who mock and ridicule the Catholic Faith.
Pope Francis and his Vatican are very pro-HOMOSEXUALS and maybe all are homos themselves, so that's when all this really started perhaps.
Down with Pope Francis, Down with his Vatican in total.