Open your eyes and hearts.
Most unwanted pregnancies come from mortal sin of sex outside of marriage. Root of the problem is hyper sexualization of our culture and that not going away any time soon .Hell is for eternity as bad as abortion is any mortal sin infinitely worse. That why Faith as hole matters most
Abortion is one among many roads to hell.
chris griffin
@john333... abortion cries out to God for vengeance (Gen 4:10) and makes her an enemy of God (as 4:4, Luke 19:27, Romans 8:7, Matt 22:7) and under the wrath of God (John 3:36, Rom 1:18, Rom 2:5, Eph 5: 6, Matt 22:7, Nah 1:2).
fruit of lust is fornication fruit of fornication is abortion did Harold's slaughter of the holy innocence stop Gods liturgical action (holy sacrifice of the mass is the only way to conquer all evil) Unless you up root all the weeds by the roots . Road is wide.
chris griffin
Direct abortion is the same sin as…
Satan “murderer from the beginning” of her baby’s life. John 8:44
Judas “betrays innocent blood” Matt 27:4
Cain “murder of an innocent blood relative” Gen 4:8More
Direct abortion is the same sin as…

Satan “murderer from the beginning” of her baby’s life. John 8:44

Judas “betrays innocent blood” Matt 27:4

Cain “murder of an innocent blood relative” Gen 4:8