Facts Not Lies

Let's Get Anthony Fauci's Financial Relation with Gilead Sciences Public

As many know... Al Capone was a racketeer who was so well covered that it took Tax Evasion to take him off the streets.

Maybe this isn't a big time mobster we are fighting... He is only the public face and muck slinger for Lock Downs and Vaccine Mandates...

Sign the Petition and let's get this Public Servant to start giving some of HIS privacy and freedom to Us.

Sign the Petition
Public domain
They have all planned years, years ago, just have a look at this
John A Cassani
There are undeclared conflicts of interest all over the place. In my opinion, someone in Fauci’s position should not be allowed even to have declared conflicts of interest. Of course, codes of ethics are meaningless, when they are being applied to unethical persons.