Huge Texas pro-life memorial park extensively vandalized

Huge Texas pro-life memorial park extensively vandalized

WACO, Texas, January 30, 2013 ( - A memorial park in Waco dedicated to the memory of the preborn babies murdered by abortion was found vandalized on January 26. An employee from a business near the site noticed a wide swath had been cut through the 4,000 white crosses that symbolize the number of children killed by abortion each day in America.

Rusty Lee Thomas of Elijah Ministries, founder of Rachel’s Park Memorial, said the site has been vandalized before but never to the extent discovered on Saturday.

The display of steel rebar-reinforced white crosses spreading over about two acres of land was extensively damaged. However, Thomas noted that the main feature of the memorial park, The Tomb of the Unknown Baby, which contains the remains of a tiny victim of abortion, was undamaged.

Thomas said it was evident that a vehicle had been driven through the area, entering the memorial park by knocking over part of the picket fence that encloses site, and leaving a swath of damage 12 ½ ft by 136 ft through the memorial site, with approximately 600 crosses, rebar, oil, two tires, and parts of a vehicle's underside littering the park.