Are You Part of the Great Catholic Migration of the 21st Century?

Are You Part of the Great Catholic Migration of the 21st Century?

I have been receiving numerous Facebook messages, emails, and comments from Catholics who read this blog and want advice about their current "parish crisis."

The messages go like this:

My priest tells off-color jokes in the homily. What should I do?

The local RCIA instructor taught that contraception is a "personal decision" and when I asked the priest about it, he didn't think it was a big deal.

In confession, my priest said that "the pill" is okay in certain situations.

The nuns at my parochial school are promoting {insert something sketchy}, should I talk to my priest about it?

Our parish promotes Eastern non-Christian mystical practices and prayers? Should I say something?

My pastor has forbidden Communion on the tongue. What should I do?

The priest at my parish changes the words of the liturgy, for example "Son of Man" to "Son of Humanity" in order to be gender inclusive. Should I talk to him about this?

What is to be done? My advice is that you should join the Great Catholic Migration of the 21st Century. Most people recognize that there is a de facto division growing within the Catholic Church. It's not popular are "ecclesiastically correct" to talk about this, but it's the elephant in the living room.

Read more Here.