I have never been more optimistic than I am today in the face of this widespread ruin.I have never recited the Creed with more conviction. The era of the modern God is coming to an end. Our God is resurrected! And when the passion week of world bankruptcy with its Good Friday is over, our God, the God of the Bible, the God of omnipotence and love, the Catholic God will once again be the God of the …More
I have never been more optimistic than I am today in the face of this widespread ruin.I have never recited the Creed with more conviction. The era of the modern God is coming to an end. Our God is resurrected! And when the passion week of world bankruptcy with its Good Friday is over, our God, the God of the Bible, the God of omnipotence and love, the Catholic God will once again be the God of the nation. After anarchy – theocracy! The first article of faith will again become the foundation of laws.

A deaf-mute wrote in an optimistic confession of faith: I believe that we have a sacred duty to lift ourselves and others up. For this, it is necessary that Catholic thought, the thought of God will again become the focus of all things. Proudhon is right: it is strange that at the bottom of our politics we always find theology. The day that politics and the economic self unite again with theology, the sun of optimism will rise over our mountains.

Supernatural optimism – Rev. R. Mäder

Society is going through a terrible crisis. Darkness has taken over the world. Today, after 80 years, the words of Donos Cortes, that prophet among diplomats, words …