Message to the Seven Churches. Message to the Seven Churches by Vision Media ProductionsMore
Message to the Seven Churches.
Message to the Seven Churches
by Vision Media Productions
Ephesus - goddess Artemis and cult of the Roman Lord - the Cesar => laxity in faith and morals in midst of this multicultural pagan city
Smyrna - strong Jewish population (by an exception spared from Roman pressure) => Christians hid behind Jews to avoid persecution
Pergamum - large Amphitheater => sexual immorality
Thyatira - trade guilds (f. e. textile such as Lydia) => work but also prostitution …More
Ephesus - goddess Artemis and cult of the Roman Lord - the Cesar => laxity in faith and morals in midst of this multicultural pagan city

Smyrna - strong Jewish population (by an exception spared from Roman pressure) => Christians hid behind Jews to avoid persecution

Pergamum - large Amphitheater => sexual immorality

Thyatira - trade guilds (f. e. textile such as Lydia) => work but also prostitution (God will judge works)

Sardis - wealth and commerce => active in worldly matters (but dead in a spiritual sense)

Philadelphia - small => humble (just perseverance is needed)

Laodicea - famous calcium water springs and gymnasium with a thermal pool => lukewarmness (spiritual lethargy)