Laity in Palermo point out to the two popes and Archbishop Lorefice that th

The laity of Palermo must point out to the two popes and the Archbsihop that there is no visible case of the baptism of desire

There has been no denial to these blog posts.None by the Archbishop of Palermo or any priest there.Neither from the Vatican.I have listed the heresies and irrationality taught today by the Catholic hierarchy, the Magisterium, which can not be the work of the Holy Spirit .1
Cushingism is only part of the faith of the Church since the days of the Holy Office Letter 1949.From that time the new theology was enforced.It says hypothetical cases are known.Then it is inferred that they are concrete and exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the present times.Invisible baptism of desire is visible.This is irrazionale but this is being taught by the Archdicoese in Palermo.

There were no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.This was a 'magisterial' error in 1949.It was a mistake in Church.It was overlooked by the popes.The error is repeated by Bishop Lorefice and layman-priore Enzo Bianchi in Bose,Italy.
This is the false theology and false church accepted by the Archbishop of Palermo and that the laity of the diocese must follow. There is no denial from Archbishop Lorefice.Also Fr.Alessandro M. Minutella had to affirm this false theology to remain a priest with a good reputation in Church.2
The Magisterium today rejects the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past and created a new ecclesiology based on irrationality (invisible cases are visible) .The Magisterium then suspends Fr.Alessandro Minutella when he criticizes the new ecumenism and interreligious dialogue based on this false theology of Cushingism.
I Lionel, affirm Catholic teaching with Feeneyism, this is the traditional theology of the Church, which assumes invisible cases are invisible in the present times.I avoid the false premise while the Archdiocese of Palermo uses it.

So I affirm the 'strict' interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).I affirm the Second Vatican Council (Feeneyite), which says 'all' Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims need 'faith and baptism 'for ' 'salvation '
and there are no known exceptions in Lumen Gentium 16, Lumen Gentium 8, Unitatis Redintigrati 3, Nostra Aetate 2 etc.This is not the Second Vatican Council and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) of Archbishop Corrado Lorefice and layman-priore Enzo Bianchi of the new world religion community in Bose. It is affirmed by the Vatican and the rest of the false church within the Catholic Church. Nor it is proclaimed by traditionalist priests who offer the Latin Mass but with irrational Cushingism. They will not support Feeneyism.Many of them do not know what it is and the false Church will not tell them about it.Also many who do know want to protect their 'career' and the opportunity to offer the Latin Mass after Summorum Pontificum.They support ignorance and falsehood - to stay comfortable and to remain a priest.


Cosi preti di Palermo bisogno di affermare il Concilio Vaticano II e extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) senza Cushingismo e con Feeneyismo e dare un esempio di coerenza.


Vuol dire che tutta la Chiesa, tradizionalisti inclusi, hanno accettato l'errore di Cardinale Francesco S.Marchetti ,nella Lettera di Sant Ufficio 1949.Ha creato una nuova teologia.E fa parte dei documenti magisteriali e menzionato nel Concilio Vaticano II.Quest falsa teologia e dottrina e insegnato nelle classi di catechismo in Palermo.E anche insegnato nelle classi di religione nelle scuole della diocesi.E una nuova religione Cattolica.

Even if they knew the truth, they would choose to assume unseen cases are visible.Then EENS, the Second Vatican Council, the baptism of desire, to be saved in ignorance invincible etc are all Cushingite for them. With this irrationality of hypothetical cases not being hypothetical they interpret Catholic doctrine and so cause a break with the old ecclesiologia.This is politically acceptable to the Left and so these priests maintain their incardination in Rome.
So priests of Palermo need to affirm the Second Vatican Council and Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (eens) without Cushingismo and Feeneyismo and give an example of coerenza.
The whole Church ,traditionalists included, have accepted the Cardinal Francesco S.Marchetti error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.It created a new theology.It is part of magisterial documents and mentioned in Vatican Council II.the Council false II.This Vatican theology and doctrine is taught in catechism classes in Palermo.It is also taught in religion classes in the schools of the diocesi.The students are not told that they can also interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.With Cushingism there is a new Catholic religion.


Feeneyism which was magisterial in the pre-1949 Church is substituted with Cushingism (ci sono noti exceptions to the dogma EENS).This is liberal theology, which is irrational, non traditional and accepted by the contemporary
Magisterium. It is accepted by the two popes, cardinals Burke and Cafaffa and e tutte le Suore a Palermo.RUPTURE IN THEOLOGY AND DOCTRINE WITH THE SAINTS OF PALERMO
Oggi tutti interpretano il Concilio Vaticano II con Cushingism instead of using Feeneyism.With an irrational premise they have created a non traditional conclusion.So with their conclusion Vatican Council II is a rupture with the old ecclesiology of the Church. It is a rupture with Tradition and the saints of Palermo.


1. The laity of Palermo must point out to the two popes and the Archbishop of Palermo that there is no visible case of the baptism of desire. So there cannot be any exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus .So the Letter of the Holy Office in 1949 and the Archdiocese of Boston, USA made an objective error.They assumed there were visible and known exceptions to the dogma EENS and so there was salvation outside the Church for them. Now there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II.In Palermo they choose an interpretation of Vatican Council II which has the hermeneutics of rupture and ignore the interpretation which is consistent with past Tradition.
2. There are no known exceptions in the Second Vatican Council to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So there is no change in the old ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council II
There is no change in the theology of salvation in the Catholic Church before and after Vatican II unless you use an irrational premise.Ask the Archbishop of Palermo to confirm this or deny it.This would be the first step to removing the false church.
3.Concilio Vatican II (Feeneyismo), is not part of the false church, and does not contradict the Catechism of Pius X or the Syllabus of Pius IX

.Ask the priests of the Archdiocese to affirm it.
-Lionel Andrades


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Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door. -Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II


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